Top Ten July-December 2015 Releases I’m Excited For

Posted June 8, 2015 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Features/Memes / 35 Comments

TTTcustombannerTop Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly feature hosted by the fantastic blog The Broke and the Bookish. This week we’re looking forward to our top ten 2015 releases in the second half of the year (I cheated and added a novella I’m rally excited about, too!) These picks are in no particular order…except for Winter! This year has been amazing for covers…all ten of these are gorgeous! Are any of these your highly anticipated July-December 2015 list?


1) Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer

2) Firewalker (Worldwalker #2) by Josephine Angeline

3) Rowan  (Worldwalker #1.5) by Josephine Angelini

4) The Nightmare Charade (Arkwell Academy #3) by Mindee Arnett

5) Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith

6) The Raven King (Raven Boys #4) by Maggie Stiefvater

7) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

8) Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J Maas

9) Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

10) Passenger by Alexandra Bracken



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35 responses to “Top Ten July-December 2015 Releases I’m Excited For

  1. Queen of Shadows is a really popular pick this week! I think TTT lists everywhere are hinting at me to catch up in this series by reading Heir of Fire! I also need to start the Lunar Chronicles. My TBR list is a daunting one…

    Lauren recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday
    • I’ve only read through Crown of Midnight too! (I’m waiting until Heir of Fire comes out in paperback). I still need to read the Assassin’s Blade, but I figure I’ll just wait until closer to Queen of Shadow’s release date!

    • I totally spaced on the fact that the release date got pushed back when I was making this list because for soooo long it was slated to be a fall 2015 release. Although there are so many other books I want to read that are coming out this year I’m sure I’ll have plenty of books to keep me busy while I wait, haha!

  2. Great List!! We have Winter, Queen of Shadows, and Six of Crows in common. I cannot wait until Winter comes out!! I’m so excited to hear that it will be 800 something pages. I’m not sure if I’m going to read Carry On yet. I liked Fangirl but I don’t know how I felt about the excerpts from Carry On. I feel like I’m the only one that felt that way haha.

  3. I can’t wait for Six of Crows, Passenger and Carry On either!! Love Rainbow Rowell 🙂 Great picks Cristina! I still need to start the Lunar Chronicles though D; Hope you enjoy all of these! Here’s my TTT if you would like to check it out! 🙂 Have a great day!

  4. I’ve only just finished The Raven Boys but I am hoping to make my way through the rest of the books before The Raven King is released. I’m so excited for Queen of Shadows & Winter! I’ve actually held off on reading Fairest because I want to read it closer to the release of Winter.

    • I’m the same way with the Throne of Glass series. I’ve yet to read Heir of Fire because I’m waiting until closer to the release date of Queen of Shadows (also, I’m holding out for it to come out in paperback to match the rest of the books I have in the series)!

  5. JJ

    I had Queen of Shadows on my list this week too. I’m really excited for The Raven King but didn’t put it on the list because the release was pushed to February. Seriously? How are we expected to wait that long?????

    JJ recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday #8
    • SO many good books coming out this fall, am I right? And they all just happen to have some of the most GORGEOUS covers! I’m definitely going to be purchasing all of these as I want their beautiful artwork on my shelves!

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