Month: October 2017

Boyfriend Book Reviews | There’s Someone Inside Your House

Posted October 30, 2017 in Reviews / 9 Comments
Boyfriend Book Reviews | There’s Someone Inside Your House

Boyfriend Book Reviews is a feature where my book-loving boyfriend, Max, reads and reviews YA that I either haven’t yet read or is outside of my current TBR. If you want a thorough and thoughtful perspective on a guy’s take on YA, keep reading!   So as I’m sure if you’ve read one of my reviews before you know I’m a fan of the horror genre. When this one crossed my proverbial desk I will confess I was excited. “And so it begins,” I thought. Using my advanced knowledge of the “Teen Slasher” genre, I was ready to dig into […]

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh | Review

Posted October 23, 2017 in Reviews / 10 Comments
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh | Review

So I promised myself that this fall I would make more of an effort to read fantasy books, especially ones that I own. I decided to start this initiative with a book that’s been on my radar for years, The Wrath and the Dawn. Armed with the paperback that I had preordered over a year ago and the First Draft podcast featuring the author, I embarked on a journey into Eastern fantasy and folklore and indulged in this A Thousand and One Nights retelling. Now, I was saving this book in a sense, as literally almost every single one of […]

The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin | ARC Review

Posted October 16, 2017 in Reviews / 15 Comments
The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin | ARC Review

*MASSIVE thank you to Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers for providing an ARC via NetGalley* I do not know how I was #blessed enough to get approved for The Becoming of Noah Shaw on NetGalley, but the bookish gods must have been smiling upon me because I was- and almost screamed out loud at work when the approval email came through on my phone. The original Mara Dyer trilogy is absolutely one of the best series I’ve read, YA or otherwise, and the eerie, haunting feel of it is unmatched. It’s committed to its aesthetic, from everything to […]

There’s Someone Inside Your Bookstore | Stephanie Perkins Event Recap!

Posted October 11, 2017 in Book and Author Events, Features / 8 Comments
There’s Someone Inside Your Bookstore | Stephanie Perkins Event Recap!

What a better way to end the first month of fall than talking slasher films with one of the best YA romance writers out there? Nothing, that’s what, and I did just that at the end of September by attending Stephanie Perkin’s There’s Someone Inside Your House tour stop at Kepler’s! I met Stephanie at the first year of YallWest (she was one of my top priority authors to meet!) and I was thrilled to hear she was coming out west a few years later to promote her new book. Though Stephanie’s known for her Anna companion series, don’t let […]

Returning to Genovia | From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess Mini Reviews

Posted October 9, 2017 in Reviews / 0 Comments
Returning to Genovia | From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess Mini Reviews

If you’re a follower of my blogs and reviews, you probably know that The Princess Diaries series is my favorite contemporary YA series EVER. It was my first and my most formative, and I fangirled so hard when I finally met Meg Cabot in person this year. So at her signing I picked up the first two books in her new Princess Diaries spinoff series, From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess, because I will do anything and read anything to be back in Mia’s world. Luckily, my first foray into Middle Grade in several years did not disappoint, […]

Monthly TBR Plan: October 2017

Posted October 2, 2017 in Features, TBR / 16 Comments
Monthly TBR Plan: October 2017

I’ve made a lot of reading resolutions for 2017, and one of them is to be better about cultivating a monthly TBR. I know so many bloggers do beginning of the month TBR posts and I always LOVE reading them, so I’ve decided to post my own as well! I will include my physical, e-book, and ARC TBRs as well as a status update of where I am prior to starting my upcoming month’s TBR. Reading Progress Prior To This Month: 60/60 Books Read Woohoo, I have successfully completed my Goodreads reading challenge! As of October 1st, the pressure is […]