Month: June 2020

TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020

TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020

I adore making lists of upcoming releases I’m excited for (and reading those of others!) and I couldn’t resist linking up with Top Ten Tuesday this week to talk about the releases I’m most excited for that are coming out the latter part of this year (and having something positive to look forward to for the rest 2020 is a huge help!) I feel like I say this every year but there are SO many amazing titles coming out, I think the lineup gets better and better each year! If you’re interested in checking out my most anticipated releases from […]

The Heir Affair by Jessica Cocks and Heather Morgan | ARC Review

Posted June 29, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
The Heir Affair by Jessica Cocks and Heather Morgan | ARC Review

I’ve been waiting years for a sequel to The Royal We, so I was ECSTATIC when I found out The Heir Affair was being released. I am a fan of anything royalty related and this series definitely scratches that itch by feeling like an alternate universe version of today’s modern day UK royals. Readers left Bex and Co. in such a pickle at the end of The Royal We that I couldn’t wait to see how things picked up in the sequel, and I was not disappointed, as I ended up enjoying this book even more than the first! The […]

My Finished Home Library Tour!

Posted June 24, 2020 in Features / 12 Comments
My Finished Home Library Tour!

The time in my life has finally come where one of my major dreams has come true…I finally have my own home library! As I mentioned a few months ago, Max and I bought a new home late last year and one of the highlights was the ability to have a den option that I knew was going to finally be my at home library! While it’s been a slow process getting everything set up over the last 7 months or so, the past few weeks we really made a push to finish setting it up since we’re going to […]

Beach Read by Emily Henry | Review

Posted June 22, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 1 Comment
Beach Read by Emily Henry | Review

Beach Read seems to have been everywhere this spring, with it’s catchy yellow cover, arch rival author premise, and promise of a summer fantasy with a beach house setting. It’s usually the type of story I welcome with open arms, and I was thrilled when my library hold came in, confident that it was going to make my best of 2020 list. Unfortunately, while Beach Read did have a lot of positives for me, I just seem to have missed the magic that many other readers found within its pages. The novel follows romance author January, who is down on […]

Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein | ARC Review

Posted June 15, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 6 Comments
Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein | ARC Review

I love a romance novel that has a good subplot that focuses on something other than the romance itself, and that’s exactly what I found in the pages of Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein, which has quickly risen to the top of my favorites of 2020 list! Following the story of Avery Abrams, a retired gymnast who just missed Olympic glory, the novel focuses on what comes next after dreams have been shattered and careers ruined by injuries. In just her mid-twenties, Avery feels as though her life has peaked and her identity ruined. I really loved this story […]

June 2020 TBR

Posted June 3, 2020 in Features, TBR / 4 Comments
June 2020 TBR

I’ve made a lot of reading resolutions, and one of them is to be better about cultivating a monthly TBR. I know so many bloggers do beginning of the month TBR posts and I always LOVE reading them, so I’ve decided to post my own as well! I will include my physical, e-book, and ARC TBRs as well as a status update of where I am prior to starting my upcoming month’s TBR. Reading Progress Prior To This Month: 33/100* Books Read *Wish me luck as I try to read more books in 2020 than ever before! Can we all […]

In Five Years by Rebecca Serle | Review

Posted June 1, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
In Five Years by Rebecca Serle | Review

It’s rare that I make it through an entire book in nearly one afternoon these days, but that was the case with In Five Years- I couldn’t put it down! I found this book to be very polarizing to me, as on the one hand I really enjoyed it, and on the other hand I had some fundamental problems with it that left me blindsided and feeling more than a little tricked. Nevertheless, it was an addictive reading experience that is nearly impossible to describe without spoilers, so be prepared for a few below (I won’t be spoiling the entire […]