Category: Top Ten Tuesday

Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2023 | TTT

Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2023 | TTT

Spare | January 10 | I watched and was enraptured by the Harry & Meghan doc on Netflix, and I’m so intrigued to see what kind of tea is spilled in this book!  The Fraud Squad | January 17 | This is giving me Bling Ring meets Crazy Rich Asians meets Inventing Anna vibes. I love the whole trope of average girl infiltrates high society and/or royalty. Begin Again | January 24 | I love Emma Lord and I LOVE YA/NA books set in college (there needs to be more!) College is such a magical, unique time when you get […]

Best Books I Read in 2022 | Top Ten Tuesday

Best Books I Read in 2022 | Top Ten Tuesday

Another year, another best books list. I decided to only do a roundup of my top 5 books this year since I only read ~40 books. The past two years I have definitely read less since I’ve become more involved in other hobbies, but I’ve really missed reading and want to re-prioritize books and blogging in 2023 (while also putting less pressure on myself- but that’s for a separate post). Unsurprisingly, 4 out of the 5 books on my list are the continuation of series that I already enjoy, as I’ve found myself gravitating more toward trusted authors and sequels […]

Best Books of 2021 | Top Ten Tuesday

Best Books of 2021 | Top Ten Tuesday

Can you believe we are at the end of 2021? *Cue meme about me still trying to process 2019* I decided to only do a roundup of my top 5 books this year since I only read ~52 books. 2021 was definitely the year of me reading less due to some major life changes and also picking up other hobbies, so I found myself gravitating toward books I wanted to read, rather than feeling like I needed to keep up with certain releases/authors. I also was surprised to find that 4 out of my top 5 books are not only […]

Top 2021 Releases I’m Most Excited For (First Half)

Top 2021 Releases I’m Most Excited For (First Half)

One of my FAVORITE posts to write and read are posts highlighting new upcoming releases! Hopefully 2021 brings us less drama, more consistency with release dates, and overall GREAT books! I’ve rounded up my top 8 releases that are coming out between January-June of 2021 that I am the most excited for! I’m also linking up with Top Ten Tuesday for today’s post! You Have a Match (January) | I don’t think anyone who’s read Tweet Cute can deny that Emma Lord is a wonderful addition to the YA author line up, and I’m thrilled to have an ARC of […]

Top Ten Books of 2020

Top Ten Books of 2020

December is one of my favorite months for blogging because there’s so many fun wrap-up posts to be made and read! Arguably the ~most important~ is the best books of the year lists that everyone comes up with! While this year I didn’t read quite as many books as I had hoped to, I did read many excellent books and the amount of 5 star reads I read this year is over double that of last year! I am thrilled to say that every single book on my “best of” list for 2020 was a strong 5 star rating for […]

TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020

TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020

I adore making lists of upcoming releases I’m excited for (and reading those of others!) and I couldn’t resist linking up with Top Ten Tuesday this week to talk about the releases I’m most excited for that are coming out the latter part of this year (and having something positive to look forward to for the rest 2020 is a huge help!) I feel like I say this every year but there are SO many amazing titles coming out, I think the lineup gets better and better each year! If you’re interested in checking out my most anticipated releases from […]

2020 Releases I’m Most Anticipating! (First Half)

2020 Releases I’m Most Anticipating! (First Half)

One of my FAVORITE posts to write and read are posts highlighting new upcoming releases! I know I say this EVERY YEAR but this upcoming year looks like it’s going to have some phenomenal new releases- which is amazing and a testament to how large and diverse the book community is becoming! For 2020, there are actually quite a few adult books that are making my list along with YA, which I hope also helps me keep my reading momentum up, as I find switching up genre and target audience for books can help me from getting into a slump. […]

Girl in the Pages Best of 2019 | A TTT Post

Girl in the Pages Best of 2019 | A TTT Post

I can’t believe another year has gone by and it’s time for another “best of” roundup! This year I decided to focus on my top ten reads of the year, and most of these books have 5 star or strong 4 star ratings. These books aren’t all 5 stars because I wanted to focus on the books that really stuck with me regardless of how I rated them! This year almost all of my favorite reads were from 2019, which is a change from last year where I chose a few more back list titles. I also read a lot […]

2019 Releases On My Radar: Contemporary/Historical Fiction Releases Part 1 (A TTT Post)

2019 Releases On My Radar: Contemporary/Historical Fiction Releases Part 1 (A TTT Post)

One of my FAVORITE posts to write and read are posts highlighting new upcoming releases! I know I say this EVERY YEAR but this upcoming year looks like it’s going to have some phenomenal new releases- which is amazing and a testament to how large and diverse the YA community is becoming! This December I decided to split up my “most anticipated reads” lists into a few separate posts by genre and also by release date, since there are quite a few highly anticipated titles that do not yet have publication dates, covers, etc. Also, I’m trying to include titles […]

Girl in the Pages Best of 2018 (A TTT Post)

Girl in the Pages Best of 2018 (A TTT Post)

I can’t believe another year has gone by and it’s time for another “best of” roundup! This year I decided to focus on my top ten reads of the year, and most of these books have 5 star or strong 4 star ratings. These books aren’t all 5 stars because I wanted to focus on the books that really stuck with me regardless of how I rated them! You’ll notice that the publications dates are a mix of 2018 releases as well as back list publications. Surprisingly enough, only two of the titles from my “most anticipated reads of 2018” […]