Category: 5 Things on a Friday

Five Things on a Friday [2]

Posted October 12, 2018 in 5 Things on a Friday, Features / 17 Comments
Five Things on a Friday [2]

1) Engagement Party Any time I’m not working lately my life has been devoted to wedding planning (which is sadly not as always as fun as it sounds and honestly very anxiety inducing). However, we did finally get to see the fruits of the wedding planning labor when our engagement party finally happened last month! While it was a lot of work to coordinate, we had a blast and it was a good reminder that this is supposed to be a joyous season of our life, and not just a stressful one. 2) Marvel Movies I FINALLY caught up on […]

Five Things on a Friday

Posted August 24, 2018 in 5 Things on a Friday, Features / 13 Comments
Five Things on a Friday

In an effort to diversify my blog a bit, I’m hoping to include a bit more lifestyle content alongside my bookish posts. I’ve decided to highlight five things I’m currently doing/obsessed with/interested in on select Fridays! 1) Homemade Acai Bowls I’ve always been a fan of acai bowls, but I’ve found myself craving them more and more lately in this summer heat. On some weekend mornings Max and I will run out to get them, but there’s not a lot of places to purchase them where we live and they can be a bit pricey. We decided to try making […]