Month: April 2019

There’s Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon | ARC Review

Posted April 29, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 6 Comments
There’s Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon | ARC Review

*A huge thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review!* I always know that when I pick up a story by Sandhya Menon it’s going to be sweet, fluffy, and full of heart. There’s Something About Sweetie is no exception, however it has the added bonus of being my favorite Sandhya Menon book to date! I was utterly charmed by Sweetie’s resilience and confidence and she’s the perfect type of protagonist I know I would want my future children to encounter when they’re reading YA one day. There’s Something […]

In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton | ARC Review

Posted April 22, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 1 Comment
In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton | ARC Review

I always seem to forget how much I enjoy historical fiction until I read it and remember how fascinating it is. There’s something so surreal about reading fiction that you know is often based on major real life events and being dropped into the mind of someone who is experiencing it as their reality, even if fictionally. In the Neighborhood of True had been on my radar for a while because it combined many of my favorite elements in YA, including a Southern setting and religious themes. I was also excited to pick up a book that followed a Jewish […]

Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) by Cassandra Clare | I Have So Many ThouGHTS

Posted April 15, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) by Cassandra Clare | I Have So Many ThouGHTS

I started reading the Shadowhunters books back at the tender age of 18 when I was a freshman in college. I was in a terrible living situation with not great roommates, had just moved in with a stranger in an attempt to find some peace, and was not in a thriving social situation. Needless to say, college Cristina was lonely and happened to purchase City of Bones one day from B&N and quickly fell in love with the Nephilim and their world. Now, many years and several series later, I love delving back into the world of the Shadowhunters, but […]

Monthly TBR Plan: April 2019

Posted April 10, 2019 in Features, TBR / 3 Comments
Monthly TBR Plan: April 2019

I’ve made a lot of reading resolutions, and one of them is to be better about cultivating a monthly TBR. I know so many bloggers do beginning of the month TBR posts and I always LOVE reading them, so I’ve decided to post my own as well! I will include my physical, e-book, and ARC TBRs as well as a status update of where I am prior to starting my upcoming month’s TBR. Reading Progress Prior To This Month: 19/70 Books Read Ahhh you guys, can you believe we’re in the second quarter of 2019?! Where is the time going?! […]

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren | Review

Posted April 8, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 3 Comments
Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren | Review

Over the course of the past year or so I’ve fallen in love with Christina Lauren’s romantic comedies, enjoying the witty banter, the impossible situations, and the laugh out loud moments. So you can imagine my surprise going into Love and Other Words expecting another fun romance novel and experiencing instead a much more emotional, heart-string pulling book, and by far the most painfully evocative novel by the duo that I’ve come across so far. Love and Other Words captures the painful, isolating feelings of first heartbreak so viscerally that readers won’t be able to read Macy and Elliot’s story […]

February 2019 Author Event Recaps | Leigh Bardugo and Robin LaFevers

Posted April 3, 2019 in Book and Author Events, Features / 0 Comments
February 2019 Author Event Recaps | Leigh Bardugo and Robin LaFevers

Though we’re only a quarter of the way through 2019, I’ve already been incredibly lucky to attend quite a few amazing author events! This past February both Leigh Bardugo and Robin LaFevers visited Kepler’s and I was lucky enough to attend both! Below I’m recapping the events with some of the more interesting talking points from the conversations with the authors! Leigh Bardugo Leigh was on tour for King of Scars (which everyone pretty much knows as the hype for KoS has been CRAZY) and there was a line that wrapped around the building just to wait for the event, […]

Bloodleaf by Crystal Smith | ARC Review

Posted April 1, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Bloodleaf by Crystal Smith | ARC Review

Thank you so much to HMH Teen for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review! Bloodleaf arrived at my doorstep on one of the last days of 2018, completely unexpectedly and I was thrilled! Though I hadn’t heard much about the title before, it came in absolutely beautiful packaging with a stunning cover that had me eager to dive into the book, despite sometimes having an on and off relationship with YA fantasy. Upon doing a little research, I also found out that the story was not only fantasy but a retelling of the Goose Girl fairy […]