Month: March 2024

Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison | Lovelight Farms #3

Posted March 18, 2024 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison | Lovelight Farms #3

I think I’m in a funky place with this author where I adored the her debut in the Lovelight Farms series (so much so that it actually made me enjoy one of my least favorite tropes, friends to lovers), but none of the subsequent romances in the series have really hit for me. I really like all of the characters in the couples as individuals, I just find their romantic stories not to my taste. This is definitely the case with Layla and Caleb, who are honestly just two great people, but it made for a really boring romantic story […]

March 2024 TBR

Posted March 3, 2024 in Features, TBR / 0 Comments
March 2024 TBR

While I was so proud of myself for reading EVERYTHING on my TBR in January, I wasn’t quite so lucky in February (HOFAS realllllllly sucked up the first third of an already short month). Therefore, I do have a few carry overs from February in my March TBR. KU: Pucking Around | A carry over from February, this book is super long for a contemporary romance (700+ pages, I think). I started this one in February but there was no hope of me finishing in time given the short month KU: Caught Up | I read The Right Move in […]