Sunday Funday: Week in Review [29]

Posted May 17, 2015 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Sunday Funday, Weekly Features/Memes / 2 Comments

sundayfundaySunday Funday is a weekly(ish) post I’ve started to recap the bookish (and sometimes not-so-bookish) happenings in my life the past week! Feel free to participate, just link back!

May 11-17, 2015


This past month has been so busy, and now with graduation season upon us I’m out and about almost every weekend! This weekend I celebrated my boyfriend’s graduation for his undergraduate degree in Psychology, and I couldn’t be prouder! It was a long day (his school is about 2 hours away from where I currently live) and my whole family came out to watch his ceremony and then go to his party after! It was lovely getting both of our whole families together all at the same time, and we got to celebrate with Chipotle catering and some delicious desserts! It’s such a milestone for him and I was so happy that I could be there to see him celebrate!

GraduationNext weekend I’ll be heading to my best friend’s graduation, and two weeks after that a book festival! Then a few weeks after that it’s ALA, the Scholastic Warehouse Booksale (hopefully) and my family’s annual summer vacation…I’m definitely keeping busy!


This week I participated in Bout of Books, and I managed to meet my goal of reading 3 books despite having a busy weekend! (I haven’t been able to write all of the reviews up for them, unfortunately. That’s on the agenda for this upcoming week!) I love Bout of Books as it really gets me motivated to power through titles on my TBR.

extraordinarymeansThis week I have two galley’s to read for review, including a signed, personalized ARC of Extraordinary Means that my boyfriend sweetly stood in line for at YALLWEST for me (while I was in a three hour line for Veronica Roth). This week I added End of Days (which I’ve already read since) and the Amazon Fangirl special edition to my shelves (it’s beautiful!).


I had a slight appearance change to my blog (a subtle color shift to more muted teals, as the colors were a bit on the green side for me as they were).

What Happened Here This Week:

Monday: I participate in the first Bout of Books Challenge.

Tuesday: Making Pretty underwhelmed me and I update my Bout of Books progress.

Wednesday: I flail, rave, and weep tears of joy over A Court of Thorns and Roses.

Thursday: I recap my first 10k experience at Disneyland!

Posts I Liked This Week:

Cait @ Paperfury talks about the problems of being an adult that reads YA.

Liza @ Reading With ABC asks do you keep ARCs?

Stormy @ Book.Blog.Bake. discusses the need to to let your stories age.

How was your week? Are you busy attending graduations this spring?


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