Category: Book and Author Events

February 2019 Author Event Recaps | Leigh Bardugo and Robin LaFevers

Posted April 3, 2019 in Book and Author Events, Features / 0 Comments
February 2019 Author Event Recaps | Leigh Bardugo and Robin LaFevers

Though we’re only a quarter of the way through 2019, I’ve already been incredibly lucky to attend quite a few amazing author events! This past February both Leigh Bardugo and Robin LaFevers visited Kepler’s and I was lucky enough to attend both! Below I’m recapping the events with some of the more interesting talking points from the conversations with the authors! Leigh Bardugo Leigh was on tour for King of Scars (which everyone pretty much knows as the hype for KoS has been CRAZY) and there was a line that wrapped around the building just to wait for the event, […]

Event Recap | Slayer Tour with Kiersten White!

Posted January 18, 2019 in Book and Author Events, Features / 9 Comments
Event Recap | Slayer Tour with Kiersten White!

I kicked off 2019 by attending a book event within the first full week of January, and it was a blast! It felt so good to start the new year with the author and blogger community and attend the blog tour for one of the most anticipated books of 2019, Slayer by Kiersten White! In conversation with Adrienne Young (author of Sky in the Deep), Kiersten visited Books Inc. in Palo Alto to share her journey writing her Buffy-inspired novel with YA and Buffy fans alike (although I may or may not have been called out for being one of […]

YALLWEST Round 4: Senior Year

YALLWEST Round 4: Senior Year

I’ve been blessed enough to be able to attend YALLWEST since its inaugural year in 2015, and returned again this month for its fourth year (“senior year,” if you will) in sunny Santa Monica. The festival was a bit more hectic that usual for me due to work commitments as it happened a bit later than it usually does, however we still ended up making it and catching up with our book squad from last year and having a fantastic time! Each year more and more publishers and vendors come out for the west coast event and it was great […]

Event Recap | The Belles Tour with Dhonielle Clayton

Posted February 21, 2018 in Book and Author Events, Features / 4 Comments
Event Recap | The Belles Tour with Dhonielle Clayton

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog for the past month or so, you’ve no doubt seeing me flail about my love of The Belles on here and on Instagram, as it’s turned out to be my FAVORITE read of 2018 so far. So I knew that I would be attending Dhonielle’s tour stop in California, and I was DETERMINED to get a good seat…so I did what any other type A blogger would do and showed up 3 hours early to claim my seat and prepare for what was bound to be a fantastic event. The night of […]

There’s Someone Inside Your Bookstore | Stephanie Perkins Event Recap!

Posted October 11, 2017 in Book and Author Events, Features / 8 Comments
There’s Someone Inside Your Bookstore | Stephanie Perkins Event Recap!

What a better way to end the first month of fall than talking slasher films with one of the best YA romance writers out there? Nothing, that’s what, and I did just that at the end of September by attending Stephanie Perkin’s There’s Someone Inside Your House tour stop at Kepler’s! I met Stephanie at the first year of YallWest (she was one of my top priority authors to meet!) and I was thrilled to hear she was coming out west a few years later to promote her new book. Though Stephanie’s known for her Anna companion series, don’t let […]

All Hail the Queen | Meg Cabot Author Event Recap

Posted August 9, 2017 in Book and Author Events, Features / 6 Comments
All Hail the Queen | Meg Cabot Author Event Recap

I’ve been really blessed to attend a lot of AMAZING author signings over the past two years. But let me tell you, I have never flipped out about an author signing the way I did when I found out Meg Cabot was going to be at Kepler’s. I’ve written countless times on the blog about how The Princess Diaries was the first and most formative YA I ever read (at the ripe young age of 10) so meeting Meg in person was a true highlight of my reading journey. Max and I arrived at Kepler’s a little over an hour […]

ReReading Sarah Dessen | Once and For All Tour Event Recap + Giveaway!

Posted June 22, 2017 in Book and Author Events, Features / 4 Comments
ReReading Sarah Dessen | Once and For All Tour Event Recap + Giveaway!

Most readers and bloggers can agree that Sarah Dessen is the Queen of Contemporary. Her books have been around long before YA was a well-known genre and I remember her books being some of the first I ventured into in middle and high school summers when the YA section at my local library was lacking and I didn’t even really know what a contemporary novel was. Over the past 12+ years I’ve read and loved almost all of her books, and with Once and for All out this Sarah has surely been on everyone’s mind! Lauren from Bookmark Lit and […]

Event Recap | Royal Bastards Launch

Posted June 21, 2017 in Book and Author Events, Features / 0 Comments
Event Recap | Royal Bastards Launch

This month I had the opportunity to return to my favorite independent bookstore, Kepler’s, to celebrate the launch of the new fantasy debut by Andrew Shvarts, Royal Bastards. Pitched as “Game of Thrones meets the Breakfast Club,” it focuses on a teenage group of -you guessed it- royal bastards. Since I consider myself a second-hand Game of Thrones fan (Max is an expert on all things A Song of Ice and Fire) I’m excited to dive into this seemingly accessible YA high fantasy novel! Andrew was in conversation with Tara Sim, author of Timekeeper, and she was a fantastic moderator! […]

YallWest Round 3 | Everything is Better with a Book Squad

YallWest Round 3 | Everything is Better with a Book Squad

YallWest is my FAVORITE weekend of the year, combining books+friends+California (what more can you ask for?) Attending since its inaugural year in 2015, Max and I somehow managed to squeeze in a whirlwind trip admist a very busy work month for the both of us, and it’s safe to say that is was the BEST YallWest we’ve attended yet! As usual, we chose to drive because I’m not about my books getting smashed in the overhead bin of an airplane. So we headed out around 7am (we had intentions to leave at 5am…but you know how that goes). After a […]

Event Recap: Laini Taylor and Jandy Nelson

Posted April 6, 2017 in Book and Author Events, Features / 4 Comments
Event Recap: Laini Taylor and Jandy Nelson

2017 is proving to be absolutely filled with bookish events so far, and March was no exception! I already had the fantastic opportunity to see Jeff and Brittany at Kepler’s in the middle of the month, and returned to Kepler’s again at the end of March to see Jandy Nelson and Laini Taylor (!!!) speak about her new book, Strange the Dreamer. I’ve been a HUGE fan of Laini’s since reading her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series (seriously, her writing is the most lyrical prose I’ve come across in YA) and I haven’t had the chance to meet her […]