Category: Blog Awards

The Creative Blogger Award!

Posted April 30, 2015 in Blog Awards / 15 Comments
The Creative Blogger Award!

The lovely Holly over at The Nut Free Nerd and Alina at Radiant Reads recently nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award! I’m especially honored to be nominated for this award because I do try my best to produce a variety of content, especially in choosing themes for features and discussions! These lovely ladies both run amazing book blogs and you should be sure to check out all of their creative content as well! The Rules: Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important) […]

Liebster Award: Round 3!

Posted March 12, 2015 in Blog Awards / 14 Comments
Liebster Award: Round 3!

I’m so honored to be nominated a THIRD time for the Liebster Award by the lovely bloggers at Senseless Scrutiny, Brewing Up Books, Elementaread! Be sure to head over and check out there blogs for more wonderful features and reviews on all things YA! The Rules Add the Liebster Award logo into your blog post (and blog if you wish), which announces your nomination. Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominations.  Nominate (at least) 8 other blogs, let them know that they have been nominated, and link to them in your […]

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Posted February 5, 2015 in Blog Awards / 21 Comments
The Versatile Blogger Award!

This past week I was honored to be nominated by four lovely bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award! I can’t thank all of you enough, it warms my heart knowing that others enjoy my content! So many, many thanks to Lulu’s Rants and Reads, Stacks of Sarah, Radiant Reads, and Senseless Scrutiny! Instructions for this Award: To show the award on your blog. To thank the person who nominated you. To share seven facts about yourself. To nominate fifteen blogs. So I’ve done several tags that include facts about me before, so bear with me if I accidentally repeat some […]

Bookish Bingo: 2015 New Year Edition

Posted January 6, 2015 in Blog Awards / 12 Comments
Bookish Bingo: 2015 New Year Edition

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in Bookish Bingo hosted by Great Imaginations for the second time! I did pretty decently with Holiday Bingo and I’m so excited to participate again! The rules are pretty simple: This bingo will run from January to the end of March. -You may include one DNF. -Remember, one square per book. It’s really fun to see how other people are participating and which books they’re using to cover each square! I’ll be keeping my progress updated on this post as well as on my 2015 Challenges Page. Progress: “Pretty Dress Cover”: The One by […]

Bookish Bingo Holiday Edition Wrap Up Post

Posted January 4, 2015 in Blog Awards / 6 Comments
Bookish Bingo Holiday Edition Wrap Up Post

This fall I participated in Bookish Bingo: Holiday Edition hosted by Great Imaginations. It was my first time participating in Bingo and I had a lot of fun despite not filling up the card or getting a true bingo (I was so close, if I had just gotten around to read one that was “Set in Space”!) Here are the categories I finished (the titles link to my reviews): Green Cover: Linger by Maggie Stiefvater “Ice/Snow/Frost” in Title: Let It Snow– John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle Creature on Cover: Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater Red Cover: Forever by Maggie Stiefvater […]

The 2015 Re-Read Challenge Sign Up Post!

Posted January 3, 2015 in Blog Awards / 4 Comments
The 2015 Re-Read Challenge Sign Up Post!

As I embark on my second year of blogging, I’m excited to take part in more challenges in order to push myself to read more and to better track my reading. The Re-Read Challenge hosted by So Obsessed With and Belle of the Literati is the second challenge I’ve signed up for this year and I’m so excited! Reasons for Participation: To motivate myself to write reviews of books I re-read To re-read books from series I started a while ago and never finished (and thus cannot read the new installments because I can’t remember what happened previously) To return […]

Bookish Bingo: Holiday Edition Participation!

Posted October 2, 2014 in Blog Awards / 2 Comments
Bookish Bingo: Holiday Edition Participation!

Hey everyone! I’m excited to announce my participation in Book Bingo for the 2014 Holiday season! I first came across this fun challenge via Chrissi Reads, and the challenge itself is hosted by Great Imaginations. It seems like a great way to get through more books on my TBR and expose me to some newer types of novels! Proposed TBR so far: –Interview with the Vampire (Horror) –The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian (Native American MC) –Salt and Storm (Witches) –Dance of the Red Death (Steampunk) –A Mad, Wicked Folly (Historical) –Winterspell (set during Christmas) I’ll post […]

Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

Posted September 24, 2014 in Blog Awards / 7 Comments
Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

I’d like to thank The Sleepy Book Nerd for nominating me for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award! It’s always such an honor to be recognized with awards. I started this blog for myself and it’s really nice to know that others have enjoyed my content as well! The Rules for this Award: Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. Put the award logo on your blog. Answer the ten questions they’ve set you. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Nominate ten people. Here are the ten questions from The Sleepy […]

The One Lovely Blog Award

Posted September 15, 2014 in Blog Awards / 4 Comments
The One Lovely Blog Award

I’m so honored to be nominated for another blogging award by the lovely blog Bookish Things and Tea! This blog has been such an amazing experience for me since I started it in February and I’m thrilled to have others enjoy it as much as I do! The requirements for the nomination: You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog. You must list the rules and display the award. You must add 7 facts about yourself. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know […]

Liebster Award, Round Two!

Posted September 2, 2014 in Blog Awards / 3 Comments
Liebster Award, Round Two!

This past week I was nominated for the Liebster Award from two awesome blogs: Gwen & Kate’s Library and SmallTownCityGirls! I’m really flattered to have been recognized, though I already received my first Liebster Award nomination in April (you can see my original post here). Though I have already been nominated, I thought that it would be fun to answer the questions these two lovely blogs have for me as part of the nomination!