Source: Purchased

Throne of the Fallen by Kerri Maniscalco | Review

Posted February 3, 2025 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Throne of the Fallen by Kerri Maniscalco | Review

I am a huge fan of the OG Kingdom of the Wicked series (books 2 & 3 specifically, book 1 was kind of mid). So when I heard we were getting a spin off series about the OTHER PRINCES I was verrrry intrigued. Especially because there’s potential for SIX additional books (if there’s one per prince, which I’m hoping very much is the case!) I love a good companion series where I can dive into a new story in a universe where I’m already familiar with the world building and have a solid foundation of knowledge of which to build […]

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros | The Best Book of 2023?

Posted September 18, 2023 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros | The Best Book of 2023?

Is it a bold claim to already have my favorite book of the year picked out in July? Definitely. Do I think Fourth Wing might really be that girl? Absolutely. When I tell you I ordered this book on an absolute WHIM, I am not exaggerating. Long story short, I basically had a credit to use on a book and nothing was really calling out to me that I felt the urge to own a physical copy of, but I had heard of the hype surrounding this one and decided to give it a shot. I assumed it was going […]

Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco | Kingdom of the Wicked #3

Posted January 2, 2023 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco | Kingdom of the Wicked #3

Kingdom of the Cursed was one of my top (if not the top) books of 2021, so I definitely had high hopes coming into the final book (I think?) in the series. I even reread KotC to make sure I remembered everything when diving into Kingdom of the Feared, including reading some deep dives on potential theories on Reddit, lol. When my pre-order came in, I promptly retied to my library and read the first half in one sitting, then slowly savored the remaining half over a period of weeks because I did not want it to end. While it […]

Mini Reviews | One Great Lie & The Moon and More

Posted October 4, 2021 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Mini Reviews | One Great Lie & The Moon and More

There’s something about the way Deb Caletti writes that completely transports me. I am taken from my time and place and I am truly IN the protagonist’s mind. So with One Great Lie, I embarked on a dark summer adventure in Venice with protagonist Charlotte as she navigated the cruel, often heartbreaking truths of being a woman in society, both in the past and in the present. Caletti’s YA novels often seem to tackle current social issues, and One Great Lie is no exception. Charlotte wins an incredible, once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in a summer workshop abroad […]

A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire and A Crown of Gilded Bones | Reviews to Wrap Up An Addictive Trilogy

Posted July 19, 2021 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire and A Crown of Gilded Bones | Reviews to Wrap Up An Addictive Trilogy

I suppose I’m back on the JLA train because I was legit addicted to this book. It’s by far my favorite in the series, and Poppy and Casteel’s relationship is definitely at its peak as one of my favorite fictional couples. Though one can argue second series installments are usually filler and bridge books between the first and third installments, I find that when I adore characters sometimes those filler books are my favorite kind because I get to know them and spend time with them in less high intensity situations. Much of this book takes place in Spessa’s End, […]

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J Maas | Review

Posted November 16, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J Maas | Review

I will be the first to admit that Sarah J Maas is one of my favorite authors, but I struggled with this book initially. I put off reading it for several months because I was intimidated by the size and by the change in genre from her previous books, and honestly it was exhausting just thinking about having to learn a whole new world. When I finally did dive into it, I found myself constantly confused, and not having a whole lot of motivation to pick it up between reading sessions. Ultimately, I’m glad I stuck with it because at […]

Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare | The Last Hours #1

Posted July 27, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 6 Comments
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare | The Last Hours #1

I have to admit, I’ve been on a huge Shadowhunters kick this year. It all began when I decided to reread the TID trilogy in order to go into Chain of Gold fully prepared, which then led to reading all of the short stories and novellas I could that chronologically came before Chain of Gold (huge shout out to Dedra from A Book Wanderer for this handy list of what to read!)  When I finally picked up Chain of Gold, my expectations were sky high, and I’m pleased to state that *most* of them were met! I love all of […]

American Royals by Katharine McGee | Review

Posted April 27, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 1 Comment
American Royals by Katharine McGee | Review

American Royals was a book I was SO excited for, actually went to the store and purchased a hardcover of, and then procrastinated for several months on actually reading, lol. I think it was an instance of being SO excited for a book but worrying I might be let down so I put off actually reading it (despite a few attempts at starting). I finally finished it through a combination of reading the hardcover and listening to the audio, and while I enjoyed reading it, it definitely didn’t live up to all of my (admittedly very high) expectations. If you’ve […]

The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black | Review

Posted February 10, 2020 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black | Review

I always start the books in this series with a sense of skepticism. Not because they have personally done anything wrong to me, but because I’m 1) Not always a fan of fae books and 2) Always skeptical of a fantasy book that’s under 400-500 pages. But Holly Black always pulls through and manages to write a tale of intrigue, action and simmering tension without all of the boring fantasy fluff, and The Queen of Nothing was no exception. It was a gripping conclusion to a trilogy that focuses on a purposely plotted narrative that gives readers the romance, magic […]

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas | A Fitting Finale

Posted December 23, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas | A Fitting Finale

I admit I slept on Kingdom of Ash. I pre-ordered the special B&N edition and everything but I hadn’t yet read Tower of Dawn and I didn’t want to skip a whole book before heading into the finale of perhaps one of the most well-known YA fantasy series of the decade. So I placed it on my bookshelf and admiringly stared at it until I finally talked myself into Tower of Dawn (mainly because I had spent the past year rereading the previous 5 books and the novella collection and didn’t want the start forgetting details since I so rarely […]