Publisher: HarperTeen

The Exact Opposite of Okay by Laura Steven

Posted August 5, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
The Exact Opposite of Okay by Laura Steven

I can’t quite remember how The Exact Opposite of Okay made it onto my TBR, but I found myself downloading it to my Kindle in preparation for my honeymoon as I wanted to be stocked with YA contemporary reads for the long plane rides ahead of me. I went into the story with little to no expectations and was surprised to find that it had a journal format (something that’s not as common in YA these days, though it was hugely popular in the early 2000s). I settled in for a story that honestly reminded me of a more crass […]

Mini Reviews | The Book of Essie and The Afterlife of Holly Chase

Posted June 10, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
Mini Reviews | The Book of Essie and The Afterlife of Holly Chase

The Book of Essie had been on my radar for a while because if you know me, you know I am fascinated with any contemporary books that tackle the topic of religion. I’m also a sucker for reality TV so this novel was right up my alley as it focuses on Essie, a teenager who has grown up in a very conservative, religious household with her pastor father, controlling mother and various siblings, a life which is all captured on the reality tv show “Six for Hicks.” As expected, there’s more than meets the eye with the Hicks family and […]

With the Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo | ARC Review

Posted June 3, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
With the Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo | ARC Review

Isn’t it just the best feeling when a book that you’ve been HIGHLY anticipating lives up to your expectations? That was my experience when reading With the Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo. I initially swooned over the gorgeous cover and the fact that it featured a Latinx protagonist, but I wasn’t sure what to expect from the writing since the author was new to me and I’d heard her previous book was more poetry-focused. However, I almost immediately fell in love with this story of a resilient teen who balances the challenges thrown her way with grace and heart. […]

A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi | When the Teenage Feels Are Too Real

Posted December 10, 2018 in Books, Reviews / 6 Comments
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi | When the Teenage Feels Are Too Real

Clearly I am late to the Tahereh Mafi party, as A Very Large Expanse of Sea is the first book by her I’ve read, despite her popular dystopian and middle grade series. I honestly had not heard much about her first contemporary YA novel and decided to check it out on a whim when browsing my library’s Overdrive selection and seeing it was available, as I wanted a shorter contemporary novel to read in conjunction with my long, time consuming TOG reread. What I didn’t expect to find was a story that would so viscerally remind me of what it […]

What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera | ARC Review

Posted October 22, 2018 in Books, Reviews / 6 Comments
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera | ARC Review

This ARC and I have been on quite a journey. It wasn’t even on my radar when I attended the 2018 YALLWEST festival and then I heard ~rumors~ that Epic Reads would be giving it away at some point and frantically planned my afternoon around the drop. Too many people ended up attending the event so it turned into a long, tedious, hot raffle in the sun for who would walk away with a copy of this much coveted author mash up. After being convinced it wasn’t meant to be (I never win ANYTHING), my number got called and I […]

Everless by Sara Holland | Finally Getting Back Into Fantasy!

Posted April 16, 2018 in Reviews / 2 Comments
Everless by Sara Holland | Finally Getting Back Into Fantasy!

I am thrilled to say that I think I’m *finally* getting back into reading fantasy (not that I completely stopped but my fantasy reading has definitely tapered off in the past few years) and Everless was another novel I really enjoyed that’s helping me slowly rebuild my love for the genre. The book came on my radar a few months ago when I keep seeing it featured on Instagram stories (the UK cover, which is super stunning and I’m using it in my post because I like it better lol) and the whole concept of blood as currency was really […]

Far From the Tree by Robin Benway | Review

Posted December 22, 2017 in Reviews / 10 Comments
Far From the Tree by Robin Benway | Review

There’s a reason Robin Benway seems to be winning ALL THE AWARDS this fall for Far From the Tree– it’s a brilliant, emotional, evocative novel that takes a simple yet vast question from its dust jacket- “What does it mean to be a family,” and builds such a beautiful and layered world around exploring the answer, or many different answers between siblings Maya, Joaquin, and Grace. The novel begins with a brilliant parallel foundation of protagonist Grace following the fate of her family pattern and giving birth to her daughter as a teenager. As Grace struggles with the cascade of […]

To All The Books I Neglected To Review: 2016 Edition [Part 1]

Posted December 31, 2016 in Reviews / 11 Comments
To All The Books I Neglected To Review: 2016 Edition [Part 1]

Last December I compiled a post at the end of the month with mini reviews for all of the books I had read but never got around to penning my review for. Most of the time I try not to let the stress of missed reviews get to me, however I always seem to be hit with last minute guilt at the end of the year for those missed reviews. So I decided to turn this into an end of year tradition, and have compiled mini reviews for most* of the books I read but did not review upon finishing […]

My Lady Jane | When History Goes Out the Window

Posted June 20, 2016 in Reviews / 16 Comments
My Lady Jane | When History Goes Out the Window

Well. That certainly was NOT what I was expecting. I am a huge Tudor history buff, and I used to read about them like nobody’s business (Philippa Gregory was a high school staple for me). So when the lovely ladies at the EpicReads tent at YALLWest were hosting a signing for My Lady Jane ARCs, I was like I absolutely need one. While this novel is quite unlike any other historical fiction book that I’ve read, it’s uniqueness is not one that I’ll ever forget. While at times it’s absurdity became a bit much for me, I’m thrilled that it’s […]

The Crown by Kiera Cass (Selection Series #5) | Review

Posted May 23, 2016 in Reviews / 10 Comments
The Crown by Kiera Cass (Selection Series #5) | Review

I think it’s clear to everyone that this series has stunning covers and an addictive presence, and therefore makes many a reader and blogger hit the “purchase” button even if we’re on the fence about this series. This has both served me well and disappointed me depending on which book in the series I am reviewing, as some of the books (The Selection, The One, The Heir) I’ve found decent, quick reads, while others (The Elite, the novellas, etc.) were a chore to read. I went into The Crown with high hopes, seeing as I much preferred Eadlyn to America […]