Last week I was nominated for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Stefani over at Caught Read Handed! 🙂 Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Here are the rules for this blogger award:
1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
2. List the rules and display the award.
3. Share seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.
Seven Facts About Me:
- My favorite color is blue! I’ve never liked the color pink, even when I was little, and I always tend to prefer cooler colors over warmer colors.
- I love being outside. Going to lakes and beaches are one of my favorite summer past times, and I’m waiting for someone to invent a water proof book I can read in the pool without fear of having my pages splashed.
- I love running. The treadmill is my favorite machine at the gym, and I just love how physical and strong I feel during and after running a few miles- I feel so accomplished! Also, running is often when my mind comes up with ideas for potential writing projects.
- One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use abbreviated or “online” grammar/spelling in text messages (ex: using “plz” instead of “please”). With so many people having smartphones that auto-correct and finish words for you (with a full keyboard no less, we’re no longer pressing the 2 button three times to type the letter “c”) it’s so easy to write out full, complete coherent sentences in emails and texts.
- I don’t drink coffee. Isn’t that strange? I just never got around to drinking it as a teen (my mom was convinced it stunted growth) and by the time all of my friends were drinking it to stay up late and do homework, I just figured “well, I’ve gone this long without it, why start now?” (and I didn’t want to suffer from caffeine headaches or start a caffeine hobby that was expensive). I went through my entire undergrad career without coffee or an energy drink.
- My favorite TV shows vary widely: From Gossip Girl (only the first two seasons!) and Pretty Little Liars to House, One Tree Hill and Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. I also love a good episode of House Hunters (does that mean I’m officially an adult now?) and won’t say no to Keeping Up with the Kardashians if I’m flipping through the channels and it’s on.
- I have a love for fashion that probably only second to my love for books and academics. I spent my summers during high school and undergrad working in retail and having a fashion internship for two years, and I love patterns and colors and when I was younger went through a period when I was convinced I was going to be a fashion designer or buyer.
Blogs I’m nominating:
All these blogs inspire me to keep reading and posting every day! 🙂 (and have yet to be nominated, as many of the blogs I love to follow already have been!)
F.L.P. For the Love of the Page
Those text abbreviations drive me insane! I can’t stand them, haha!
Congratulations for your award!!
I know! I literally cringe when I read them!
And thank you! 🙂
Number 4: YES. Oh, man. I CANNOT stand that. I actually had a friend tell me recently that I was the reason she started typing out words fully and using complete sentences. I felt like that was a major accomplishment. Haha. I just don’t understand using shortened words. With autocorrect and smart phones, it’s like you’d actually have to try to use the shortened words.
Also, I can’t live without coffee, and I don’t know how you can. Lol. I don’t get caffeine headaches, and it doesn’t really have an effect on me anymore (like waking me up or keeping me up). I mostly drink it because it is the drink of the gods and it’s good for your soul. 😀
It’s sad, I actually have a Starbucks gold card yet I don’t drink caffeine (I liked going to my local one and reading hot chocolate and writing papers in college!) I do like coffee ice cream, so maybe that’s a start?
And YES I think with smart phones now it literally takes more effort to use “internet” grammar!
Hot chocolate at Starbucks is pretty good. If you go/went there enough, I can understand the gold card, though it’s still pretty funny! Coffee ice cream IS SO GOOD. Have you tried Ben and Jerry’s Coffee Heath Bar Crunch? Yummmm.
[…] the groove of working, I’ll be posting more regularly! I was also nominated this week for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, so thanks so much to Stefani from Caught Read Handed for nominating […]