Welcome to the wrap up and giveaway for the second part of the A Court of Thorns and Roses Series ReRead hosted by myslef and the lovely Kristin from Super Space Chick and Alexa from Alexa Loves Books! Today we’ll each be sharing out thoughts regarding our ACOMAF reread and answering questions that we each came up with based on our rereading experience.
*Please note that my answers may be a little bit spoilery if you haven’t read ACOMAF yet!!! Proceed with caution!
Of all seven courts, which is the one you think you would be most suited to live in? -Question by Alexa
Ok so I KNOW everyone wants to say the Night Court because of how amazing Velaris is and how deeply it’s explored in ACOMAF, but I have taken SEVERAL quizzes and I always get the Night Court hahaha. Velaris aside, I’m also really intrigued by other areas of the Night Court, such as the open air palace Feyre initially visits (it reminds me of the Moon Palace in Sailor Moon!) and the mountain top lodge, the House of Wind. I also think I could live comfortably in the Summer Court, as Summer is my favorite season and tropical vacations are 100% my favorite. A beach + a book is my perfect paradise.
Do you have any ACOWAR theories / what are dying to see more of in the final book? – Question by Kristin
I have SOME theories, some that I am scared will happen (Rhys dying- I think it may have been foreshadowed during the argument between him and Feyre after they visit the Court of Nightmares. *CRIES FOREVER*) and that Feyre is pregnant. I’m definitely dying to see MORE of Feyre and Rhys together in ACOWAR, but I’m scared 99% of the book will feature them apart due to Feyre spying in the Spring Court. I’m hoping for at least some snarky banter happening through their mating bond! Because I am not about reading 500+ pages of Feyre and Rhys totally cut off from each other.
Which secondary character’s story in ACOTAR and/or ACOMAF are you most compelled by? Who do you think the companion series will focus on? – Question by Cristina
Since the moment I met her in ACOMAF, I have been completely in love with Mor. I feel like it can be easy to forget what an important character she is, but her backstory is so enthralling and violent (she fought in the war and the mortal queens definitely seemed to fear her, she has some sort of prophecy/truth telling powers, she had the traumatic experience with her family, etc.) and Rhys notes that in the mortal world she’d pretty much be considered a queen. I love that she is someone who has been through such trauma but is also still able to be full of such love and light. I would LOVE a book about her, and while I definitely think the spinoff series will focus on characters from the Court of Dreams, I have a sneaking suspicion it will center around Cassian/Nesta!
I love that we all had such different answers for which Court we would belong to! And I totally think Feyre will be pregnant too. I can’t wait for her to kick Tamlin’s butt! I woke up at 4AM this morning so I could start reading ACCOWAR early and I already love it to pieces<3
I can’t believe I’m finished with it!!! It’s such a surreal feeling!
Totally agree with all of this. EEEK I can’t believe it’s here!
Thanks for being my ACOWAR reading buddy! 🙂
I haven’t started this series yet, so I really can’t truthfully answer any of the questions in this post. I have put these books on my to-read list. They are getting great reviews!
I highly recommend bumping them up on your TBR list! It is my favorite series of all time!
Love this! I feel like I’ve forgotten so much haha but hopefully I’ll pick it all up once I start reading ACOWAR. I did like all of the queens, they were so scary and intriguing! I hope we get to see more of the courts too.
Yes! Have you had a chance to finish ACOWAR yet? I still have so many questions lingering about the queens!
This reread was exactly what I needed to really get back into the world of ACOTAR! I just received my copy of ACOWAR in the mail yesterday and got halfway through before I had to go to bed. I’m definitely going to stay up late tonight finishing it! I’m LOVING it so far which is amazing but I also have some sneaking suspicions about certain character deaths and I’m not looking forward to the end of this series. I don’t want to let go of Rhys and Feyre yet!
Laura @BlueEyeBooks
So glad you could join us for the reread, Laura! <3 I am totally hung over from ACOWAR. Even though I know there will be more books in the series, I feel like I will be reading them hoping to get more glimpses of Feyre and Rhys!