Source: NetGalley

Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott | ARC Review

Posted March 8, 2017 in ARCs, Reviews / 3 Comments
Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott | ARC Review

Thanks so much to NetGalley and SourceBooks Fire for this review copy! Pretty Fierce is a book with an undeniably intriguing premise, focusing on a daughter of assassins who’s now trying to fit into civilian life after her parents’ mysterious disappearance. I am pretty much always on board for a good spy story, so the second I read the synopsis and saw the juxtaposition of the blurb with the unabashedly pink cover, I knew this was a book that I had to read. As the book’s synopsis states, a majority of this book features Kaia and her boyfriend Oliver on […]

Done Dirt Cheap by Sarah Nicole Lemon | ARC Review

Posted February 15, 2017 in Reviews / 12 Comments
Done Dirt Cheap by Sarah Nicole Lemon | ARC Review

Sometimes when you request an e-galley you really don’t know what you’re going to get, especially if it’s by a debut author or an author that you’re not familiar with. Done Dirt Cheap was a book that fit that criteria for me, but I felt drawn to it with its sassy cover and gritty synopsis. I’m happy to report that Done Dirt Cheap has 100% renewed my faith in trying out new authors and diving into unfamiliar plots, because it was a truly engaging and utterly fantastic read that I wish I could completely purge from my brain so I […]