What’s On My Library List is an original feature I started to highlight some of my most anticipated reads I have on hold through my local library that I am eagerly waiting for!
As many are experiencing in the US and around the world, my state is under a “shelter in place” status until further notice (which I am 100% supportive of! We need to flatten the curve!) I’m hopeful that this will encourage me to read more, although to be 100% honest I’ve been distracted with everything going on that I haven’t gotten as much reading done as I would like. Luckily, I’ve had some wonderful library ebooks come in recently and have some great ones currently on my Overdrive/Libby holds list as well!
Currently Checked Out:
I’m currently reading this one right now and it’s an interesting premise- the dual lives/timelines plot line is something that usually peaks my interest so I’m curious to see how this is all resolved. It’s a little slower than I was anticipating but interesting enough (and the cover is gorgeous!)
Romance novels can be hit or miss for me but this one looks cute!
I feel like I have been waiting for this book forever! It’s true crime and the synopsis seems Serial-ish which sounds like the perfect immersive read to distract me from everything going on in the world right now!
I love love love books about food and aspiring chefs, and this one is an ownvoices Latinx story as well! This sounds like a perfect combo for a high star rating from me!
On Hold:
In Five Years | Hold Position: #21 on 9 copies (5 weeks)
During this tumultuous time I’m looking for romance novels to take my mind of things, and I’ve been hearing a lot about this one! Also, my bestie Lauren mentioned this was a quick read that helped her get back into a reading groove, and I’m hoping this will have a similar impact on me!
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill | Hold Position: #6 on 4 copies (3 weeks)
This seems like a cute, cozy read about a protagonist who’s living the bookworm dream (job in a bookstore, cute cat, on a trivia team) and then has to learn to confront the knowledge of several new-to-her family members live nearby. This sounds quick and cute!
What I Carry | #3 on 1 Copy (4 weeks)
I don’t know too much about this one, but when the synopsis linked it to Far From the Tree by Robin Benway I was sold (I LOVED that book!)
What’s on your library holds list? Have you read any of the above titles? Let me know in the comments!
I’m curious about your thoughts on Salty, Bitter, Sweet! Glad you are able to check out some ebooks still. Enjoy all these!
Salty, Bitter, Sweet was SO good!!! I highly recommend it, it’s the perfect summer read and the food descriptions are amazing!
I requested GOOD GIRL a long time ago and haven’t seen it come through – probably won’t now. Maybe I’ll try on my ebook library platforms too. I really enjoyed IN FIVE YEARS! Definitely broke my slump… even just for one book 😉
In Five Years was SO addictive but wow I was not expecting the turn it took at the end???
I’m finding it so hard to read at the moment. Obsessively checking the news instead, and getting nothing done. Seems like the opposite of what I would have predicted! Lydia Bird is on my TBR. I’ll look out for a review!
It’s been so hard to focus! Luckily since April started I’ve gotten better at keeping up my reading (and have forced myself to only check the news once per day, which has really been helpful). Unfortunately Lydia Bird wasn’t my favorite 🙁