This fall I hosted my first Read-A-Long with the two wonderful blogs CK’s Reading Corner and She Reads She Blogs! I wanted to extend a HUGE and heartfelt thank you to everyone who followed along and/or participated, as organizing something like this for the first time can be daunting! It was great to revisit Maggie Stiefvater’s beautifully written series and connect with others who enjoy her writing as much as we do!
Post Round Up
Favorite Resident of Mercy Falls
And the Winner is….
To end the Read-A-Long and to start the new year we have a gorgeous special edition of Sinner…that’s signed by Maggie herself! We had a giveaway running through the duration of the Read-A-Long and we are happy to announce that Stefani @ Caught Read Handed is the lucky winner! Thank you to all who entered!
Again thank you to all who participated, read with us, followed our progress and just generally shared the love for Maggie and the Mercy Falls series!
It was great to read with you guys and see how books can bring people together =]
[…] I had a lot of fun co-hosting this event and hope you all had fun taking part. Christina announced the winner of the GiVEAWAY the other day, and I am headed to the post office today to ship off the […]