Top Ten Books I’m Looking Forward To in 2015

Posted December 1, 2014 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Features/Memes / 19 Comments

TTT2015Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly feature hosted by the fantastic blog The Broke and the Bookish. For this week’s topic I decided to choose the top ten books I want to read in 2015 that will be released in 2015. Funnily enough, they’re all either fantasy, paranormal, or dystopian! Making this week’s post was really fun because the covers are gorgeous on so many of these and I’m looking forward to hopefully purchasing these all for my own bookshelves! (Looks like I’ll be hoping for a lot of giftcards this holiday season…). Titles are linked to their cooresponding Goodreads pages below!

1) A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

2) Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge

3) End of Days (Angelfall #3) by Susan Ee

4) Fairest (Lunar Chronicles #3.5)by Marissa Marr

5) Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

6) Six of Crows (The Dregs #1) by Leigh Bardugo

7) The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey

8) The Heir (The Selection #4) by Kiera Cass

9) Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer

10) Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) by Cassandra Clare

Did any of these make your list? What’s on your TTT this week? Let me know in the comments (so I can add more to my TBR list!)

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19 responses to “Top Ten Books I’m Looking Forward To in 2015

  1. Two of yours made my list this week. I can’t wait to read more from Sarah J Maas, and I am of course, looking forward to Winter. I love the Lunar Chronicles! Great list! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great list! I want to read all of these books! Yay for fantasy and scifi books! Only A Court of Thrones and Roses and Crimson Bound made my list, because I didn’t list sequels or debuts this week.

  3. I’d imagine myself only dabbling in Red Queen; especially after watching Epic Reads build up the hype for it. I also just realised that there seems to be more and more interest in series writing to use colours as a method of classing. (Or maybe it’s always been like this and I’m just slow to see it haha.) But hey, I’ll take any dystopian book any day of the week.

    joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts

  4. I can’t wait to read Winter & A Court of Thorns & Roses! I’ve seen Red Queen on a few lists today and I’m intrigued by the sound of it so I may have to check it out. I also totally forgot about Leigh Bardugo’s new series! :O I loved the Grisha series so I’ll definately be picking up her new book.

  5. Lots of awesome looking books on your list! I’m definitely looking forward to the remaining Lunar Chronicles books and I’m also intrigued by A Court of Thorns and Roses, Red Queen, and The Girl at Midnight.

    My most anticipated book is A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab.

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