Category: Guy in the Pages

The Gift of Fear: Non-fiction that can save your life

Posted November 18, 2015 in Features, Guy in the Pages / 7 Comments
The Gift of Fear: Non-fiction that can save your life

Since graduating from college, I don’t read nearly as much nonfiction as I used to. While the break from monotonous texts in exchange for all of the fiction I want has been great, it also means I’ve been missing out on critical, thought provoking reads that I was often exposed to in college. Max is a recent college graduate in psychology and for his birthday earlier this year asked me to gift him with a non-fiction book that he had read excerpts from in his upper level psychology classes: The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker. This text is […]

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline | Boyfriend Book Reviews

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline | Boyfriend Book Reviews

Boyfriend Book Reviews is a feature where my book-loving boyfriend, Max, reads and reviews YA that I either haven’t yet read or is outside of my current TBR. If you want a thorough and thoughtful perspective on a guy’s take on YA, keep reading! “Three hidden keys open three secret gates Wherin the errant will be tested for worthy traits And those with the skill to survive these straits Will reach The End where the prize awaits” –Cline, 6. As someone who represents himself as an avid gamer, I confess I felt remiss in not reading this book sooner when […]