Sunday Funday: Week in Review [13]

Posted September 14, 2014 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Sunday Funday, Weekly Features/Memes / 0 Comments

sundayfundaynewSunday Funday is a weekly(ish) post I’ve started to recap the bookish (and sometimes not-so-bookish) happenings in my life the past week! Feel free to participate, just link back!

September 8- September 14, 2014

This week was a stressful one for me as I was a bit under the weather and was preparing for my boyfriend to visit in honor of our annual anniversary (it’s been a few years!) We ended up spending most of the weekend hanging out at home watching Kitchen Nightmares and movies on Netflix, but I’ve found that those moments are often the best, when your companionship with a friend or significant other is better than any grand plans you could have had. We managed to head out to my favorite sushi restaurant for dinner in order to celebrate on Friday night and he surprised me with some wonderful new books to add to my collection!



photo 1I detailed my boyfriend’s picks for me in my Stacking the Shelves Post this week, and how I’m excited to start these new series!


gonegirlMy library hold for Gone Girl came in this weekend and I’m thrilled to have a chance to read it before the movie comes out! After reading Dangerous Girls I’m looking forward to another mystery/thriller!


photoI was unpacking some boxes this afternoon and found some of my favorite childhood books that I thought had been given away long ago! I’m really excited because I LOVED Franklin and Little Bear and I’m really exited to have these to pass down to my own kids one day!

What Happened Here This Week:

Monday: I review the sweetness of This Is What Happy Looks Like

Tuesday: I give my opinion on the Top Ten Underrated Books in YA

Saturday: Stacking the Shelves, Anniversary Edition!

How did your week in reading go? Let me know in the comments!

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