Kindle Unlimited: Let’s Try This Out!

Posted January 18, 2023 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Features / 2 Comments

So as a new year’s treat to myself, I decided to try out Kindle Unlimited (they were running a deal for $4.99 for your first month). Initially I had always ignored KU (aside from signing up for a free trial last year to read a specific book and never reading anything else), but lately I’ve been watching a lot of booktubers who have recommended a lot of indie romance titles and SO MANY of them are on KU. I decided to give it a shot, and figure if I can read 2-3 books off of it per month it will make up for the normal cost of $9.99/month.

After setting up my account and scrolling through the selection, there’s actually a lot of books on KU that I’m interested, including traditionally published books as well (such as Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo). Bonus points for the fact that there’s no waitlists like at the library, and up to 20 books can be downloaded to your Kindle at a time.

In these update posts I’ll be sharing how much I’m utilizing KU, as well as which books I have borrowed and the top ones I have on deck to read next.


I saw this in a ton of Booktuber’s “Best of 2022” videos and I’m LOVING it. Such cute small town vibes, Christmassy setting, friends to lovers, amazing cover, and just all around well written!

Decided to dip my toe into the “billionaire romance” genre (lol at that being a thing) and it’s OK so far. This def doesn’t feel as polished in the writing as Lovelight farms and I’m not loving the dual POV yet but it’s a fun idea and has a fake Disneyland-esque setting which is unique!

On Deck

I’ve heard about this series on Reddit for a while, and seeing as I’m interested in reading more New Adult I’d love to give this one a shot!

I’ve seen this series floating around for YEARS but always sort of ignored it because the covers seemed too similar to Twilight for me. However, I see it’s on like it’s eighth (?) installment now and I could use a good, long paranormal series to binge. Plus I see these books all over my local B&N so they seem to be pretty popular!

Romance, small town royalty, murder…the synopsis of this book seems to have it all. Plus, I’ve heard good things about the author and again, excited for another potential series to binge!

Nothing better than a good time travel romance. This is giving me the vibes of what I had hoped In Five Years would be. Also, fun fact, my first official date with my now husband was to see The Time Traveler’s Wife in theaters…in 2009 lol.

This story looks to take the runaway bride angle, throws in an evil twin and follows the grumpy/sunshine trope (not usually my jam, but willing to give it a shot- plus I love the cover!)

I love a good thriller, and folks seems to either love this one or thing it’s hot garbage- interested to see which side I fall on, haha.


Do you use Kindle Unlimited? If so, do you think it’s worth it?


2 responses to “Kindle Unlimited: Let’s Try This Out!

  1. I signed up for KU over the holidays specifically to read a few Christmas books (including Lovelight Farms – very cute!) and of course ended up forgetting to cancel haha. I’m hoping to read Ninth House before it expires but if not I may have to get it back to try out in earnest!

    Lauren @ Bookmark Lit recently posted: Library Love | January 2022
  2. I think I’m going to need to pick a month to pause library loans and sign up for Kindle Unlimited so I can binge some books I’ve had my eye on! The Fine Print has always intrigued me (but I’ve also heard the writing isn’t the best). I enjoyed Crave (but it took a loooooong time to get to the paranormal part of the story) and I’m looking forward to reading more in the series!

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