Welcome to 2020, everyone, where the first week of January is inevitably filled with many, many stats posts that are super fun to read for super Type-A folks like myself (does anyone else find color coordinating graphs soothing)? While 2019 was not my proudest reading year because life seriously happened, I did manage to read 51 books amidst all of the craziness and am excited to share the stats with you all!
Target Audience: My stats for Target Audience stayed very similar to last year’s, which I find very interesting! The only difference is I read some books that I would say firmly fall into the NA genre in 2019 and didn’t seem to read any Middle Grade.
Format: Very similar to 2018 stats as well! I find I tend to read faster on my Kindle so e-ARCs and digital library books have definitely been taking priority the last few years!
Release Date: 2019 saw me reading more current releases rather than backlist, which I’m not mad about except for the fact that I need to read more books off of my shelves which are primarily backlist!
Genre: While contemporary will likely always be my most read genre, I seem to have really read less of it in 2019 (I went from 58.5% in 2018 to 39% in 2019!) I’m thrilled that I seem to have upped my fantasy reading somewhat, and I also read more historical fiction than I anticipated as well!
Star Rating: 4 star ratings have always been my most consistent, but my 5 star ratings really took a hit, as I only gave the honor to 5 books in 2019! I actually think this was due to me talking myself out of 5 star ratings when I’d go to write my review and really examine why I was giving out that rating. I hope to go more with my gut in 2020!
Books Read by Month: I was on an upward trend at the beginning of the year (when my GR goal was originally 70 books) but then I had to lower it twice (once to 60 and then to 50) because wedding planning got in the way! My reading spiked a little in June thanks to my honeymoon, but then took a nosedive during my busy season at work and moving!
Fun Facts
- Month I Read the Most Books In: March
- Month I Read the Least Books In: September/December
- Number of Rereads: 2
- Longest Book Read: Kingdom of Ash (992 pages)
- Shortest Book Read: The Lost Sisters (50 pages) (reread)
2019 was a low reading year for me compared to the past few years, but I am also proud that I managed to read 51 books during a year when I had so much else going on. Looking at these stats has really motivated me to reach my very ambitious (for me) goal of 100 books in 2020!
I feel you when it comes to reading more from my shelf. I always want to but then those books I buy every year kind of demand my attention. If there is ever a good excuse to lower your Goodreads goal, life changes like weddings are definitely one of them. Hope you have a wonderful 2020!
Thanks Alicia, I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start so far too! You have also inspired me to make a reading goal for a certain number of Latinx authors this year! 😀
Wow, look at you reading majority backlist in 2019, you are who I wish to be haha! Congrats on 51 books read and good luck with your 2020 goal!
Thank you so much! Hopefully I can keep up the backlist balance this year too!