Monthly TBR Plan: January 2018

Posted January 4, 2018 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Features, TBR / 14 Comments

I’ve made a lot of reading resolutions, and one of them is to be better about cultivating a monthly TBR. I know so many bloggers do beginning of the month TBR posts and I always LOVE reading them, so I’ve decided to post my own as well! I will include my physical, e-book, and ARC TBRs as well as a status update of where I am prior to starting my upcoming month’s TBR.

Reading Progress Prior To This Month: 0/80 Books Read

I can’t believe another year is here! Where does the time go? I’m riding high after reading 81 books in 2017 (my highest ever!) and I am hoping to reach or exceed that in 2018! I’m hoping to be better about setting monthly TBR goals so I can really achieve 80+ books and be more intentional about what I’m reading! I’m kicking off 2018 with some really exciting Kindle and physical reads and my goal is to put a 10% or more dent in my annual Goodreads goal so I can start the year off strong (and be less stressed later on if I have a lighter reading month!)

Owned TBR

Wayfarer // I started this book on Christmas Eve thinking I could finish it before New Year’s, but the joke was on me because it’s sooooo slow. I’m really enjoying Etta’s chapters but Nicholas’ chapters are a snoozefest. Here’s hoping I can power through the rest this month!

London Belongs to Me // Picked this one up at end of December since it was $.99 for Kindle! Since London is basically my favorite city ever, I’m excited to read this!

Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index // Got this one for Christmas and making it a priority since it’s one of Lauren’s favorites!

A Psalm for Lost Girls // Another Christmas gift! My goal this year is to read books as I buy them to prevent a huge backlog of owned and unread books, so hoping to get through this one in January!

For Review

The Belles // Snagged a copy of this one quite a while ago at YallWest and I’m eager to get to it before its release date!

North of Happy // So I had requested this one from NetGalley not realizing it was archived, but it became unarchived (I think?) so now I can read it on my Kindle.


Results May Vary // I’m trying to read more adult novels so I don’t get burnt out on YA and this has a lot of positive reviews on GR from fellow bloggers!

Young Jane Young // I am so excited for this one! It’s loosely inspired on the whole Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal and I’m intrigued to see how it’s handled. Plus I love books that have a bit of a political element.

I may also sneak some other books in here, but these are my top priority reads for the month of January! Are you planning on reading any of these anytime soon? What’s the number one book you’re hoping to get to in January? Let me know in the comments!



14 responses to “Monthly TBR Plan: January 2018

  1. OH MY GOD BETHANY CHASE YES. I Looooved Results May Vary and her debut (The One That Got Away) is also fantastic. She kiiiiiiiinda reminds me of Taylor Jenkins Reid. Not as quotable or perfect but so so so so good. Can’t wait to hear what you think!

    Lauren (Bookmark Lit) recently posted: Favorite Things of 2017
    • YES I am almost done (~150 pages to go) but it’s been a rough process to be completely honest. I feel like I’ve barely gotten to spend any time with Etta and so much of it has just been following around Nick and Sophia barely escaping a lot of really terrible situations. I hope the ending is more action packed!

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