Pre-Order Priorities

Posted February 29, 2016 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Features, Pre-Order Priorities / 11 Comments

Pre-Order Priorities(1)Pre-Order priorities is a new feature that showcases what I’ve pre-ordered recently and am anxiously awaiting to arrive at my door!

winners kiss

Release Date: March 29, 2016

I had a lot of mixed feelings about The Winner’s Curse, but I have to continue on with this series after the total cliff hanger ending of the previous book. Since I know that this particular cover will only be released in hardcover, I wanted to ensure I got it to match the rest of my collection!

The Wrath and the Dawn

Release Date: April 5, 2016

After reading A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston, I’ve been craving more Eastern based fantasy books. I’ve seen so may great reviews for The Wrath and the Dawn, but I was never crazy about the red jacket with all of the holes. I was surprised to see the paperback had a full on person of it (I’m assuming this is the protagonist?). While unsure how I feel about this cover, I found the book for an amazing pre-order price (I mean, I’m talking under $7!) so I couldn’t resist adding this one to my collection.

crown's game

Release Date: May 17, 2016

I’ve seen a lot of buzz around The Crown’s Game, and after the success of the Grisha Trilogy the more Eastern European/Russian based fantasies have become really popular! I’m excited to take a chance on this debut author!

Have you pre-ordered any of the above upcoming releases? Do you ever pre-order, or do you generally wait for the release dates for books? What will convince you to pre-order a book? Tell me in the comments!




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11 responses to “Pre-Order Priorities

  1. I’ve pre-ordered The Winner’s Kiss too! I definitely didn’t fall in love with The Winner’s Curse the first time I read it. It was actually rereading it and then proceeding to read The Winner’s Crime (which I loved!) that had me changing my tune about this series! I’m so looking forward to reading this final book, and seeing what happens to Kestrel and to Arin.

    • I was actually the opposite situation, I LOVED Curse but had a much harder time with Crime (I just got SO frustrated with Arin and Kestrel’s interactions!) Despite my frustrations, I think Marie Rutkoski is a brilliant and beautiful writer and I know I need to see the series through to the finish!

  2. I have preordered The Winner’s Kiss and I am so excited. I actually really enjoyed the first two books in the trilogy and I can’t wait to see how it’s all going to end. And I LOVED The Wrath & the Dawn, so I hope you do too!

    • I literally have only heard good things about the Wrath and the Dawn so needless to say my expectations are running rather high at this point! I had some issue with The Winner’s Crime, but that cliffhanger ending killed me so now I need to know what happens! Also so glad they kept the matching cover for the hardcover release!

  3. I rarely do preorder books so when I do it is usually because the price is incredibly cheap (:P). But I am really excited for The Winner’s Kiss and The Crown’s Game (currently debating on whether to pre-order that one!) I hope these books come to you safe and sound and you enjoy them. You have 3 very good books pre-ordered 😉


    Kaitlin @ Next Page Please! recently posted: Look at the Beautiful Cover #10
    • Thank you, Kaitlin! I definitely only pre-order if it’s A) A book I must absolutely must have the day of its release (which I don’t think has really happened since Harry Potter, but I’m having feelings close to that for A Court of Mist and Fury!) or if the book is a good deal (all of the above books were pretty good prices, both of the hardcovers were under $12!)

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