YALLWEST Round 4: Senior Year

YALLWEST Round 4: Senior Year

I’ve been blessed enough to be able to attend YALLWEST since its inaugural year in 2015, and returned again this month for its fourth year (“senior year,” if you will) in sunny Santa Monica. The festival was a bit more hectic that usual for me due to work commitments as it happened a bit later than it usually does, however we still ended up making it and catching up with our book squad from last year and having a fantastic time! Each year more and more publishers and vendors come out for the west coast event and it was great […]

YallWest Round 3 | Everything is Better with a Book Squad

YallWest Round 3 | Everything is Better with a Book Squad

YallWest is my FAVORITE weekend of the year, combining books+friends+California (what more can you ask for?) Attending since its inaugural year in 2015, Max and I somehow managed to squeeze in a whirlwind trip admist a very busy work month for the both of us, and it’s safe to say that is was the BEST YallWest we’ve attended yet! As usual, we chose to drive because I’m not about my books getting smashed in the overhead bin of an airplane. So we headed out around 7am (we had intentions to leave at 5am…but you know how that goes). After a […]

YALLWest Round 2: A Quintessentially California Tradition

Posted May 3, 2016 in Book and Author Events, Travel / 6 Comments
YALLWest Round 2: A Quintessentially California Tradition

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that last year I attended the inaugural YALLWest, the exclusively YA California book festival that takes place in Santa Monica every spring (affectionately deemed “Bookchella” least year since it was the same weekend as Coachella). It was my first big “bookish” event with other bloggers, authors, and publishers and I had one of the best weekends of my life. Needless to say, I knew I would be attending the sophomore year of the festival, and found it to be just as amazing, with even more structure, organization, and additions […]

YALLWEST Tips, Tricks, & Giveaway

Posted April 24, 2015 in Travel / 4 Comments
YALLWEST Tips, Tricks, & Giveaway

Thinking about attending YALLWEST next year? Last week I posted all about my experience at the first ever YALLWEST, the companion festival to the east coast’s Yallfest. It was my first time going to a convention/festival as a blogger, and while I had a great time with a lot of fun surprises, I also did quite a bit of planning and preparing! After attending, I decided to compile a post with tips and tricks to make sure you get the most out of your YALLWEST (or any other bookish event, really) experience, as well as things I wished I had […]

YALLWEST: A Glorious Southern California Weekend

Posted April 16, 2015 in Book and Author Events, Giveaways, Travel / 39 Comments
YALLWEST: A Glorious Southern California Weekend

This past weekend I was ridiculously happy and fortunate to be able to attend California’s first ever YALLWEST, the West Coast companion event to the extremely popular YALLFest event every year in South Carolina. I found out about this festival a few months ago and IMMEDIATELY knew I was going, no matter what. I booked a hotel, asked Max if he’d like to come along (henceforth known on my blog as “The Bookish Boyfriend,” as he’s certainly earned the title after assisting me all weekend!) and my plan was set, come hell or high water. After so many months of […]