The Princess Diaries Re-Read: Volumes 4-5

Posted February 20, 2015 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Books, Readalongs/Readathons, Reviews / 5 Comments

Princess Diaries Re-ReadThis is the second installment in my Princess Diaries Re-Read self-challenge in order to prepare for The Royal Wedding, which comes out in June! In this post I’ll be bundling my reviews for books 4, 4.5, and 5.

princessinwaitingnewPrincess in Waiting (4)- This is the epitome of a bridge book. Taking place primarily over winter break while Mia’s stuck in Genovia, it’s mainly Mia obsessing over Micheal’s feelings for her. It reminded me of why these books can be slightly neurotic, but I also have to admit that at 14 years old I obsessed over rather inconsequential stuff myself. Some amusing side characters are introduced (I think Prince René, Mia’s playboy cousin, is particularly hilarious) and I’m swooning a lot more over Michael than I did when I was younger (my older self really appreciates a YA love interest that’s not only mostly valued by the protagonist for his intelligence and kindness, but for his social justice stances and commitment to women’s rights). 3/5 Stars.


Project Princess (4.5)- I love this novella because it’s short and fun and not necessary to the overarching plot of the series. Mia and her friends go on a service trip over spring break to build houses for the rural poor in West Virginia, and it’s pretty hilarious to see Mia and all of her friends who are “armchair environmentalists” dealing with camping in nature. Also, Grandmeré makes an unexpected yet hilarious appearance (because really, what would this series be without her? It’s so hard to reconcile her with dear, sweet Julie Andrews in the movies…) 4/5 Stars

princessinpinknewPrincess in Pink (5)- This is probably my second favorite installment after Princess in Love. While Mia still obsesses a lot in this installment (mainly regarding going to the prom), we get to see a lot of fun things in this book, such as Mia’s birthday, the birth of her baby brother, and the crazy behavior of Lily (dumping Boris like that? Seriously, why are they even still friends with her?). I also love this installment because Lily and Grandmeré are on opposite sides of a city-wide service industry strike, and I like that Meg Cabot includes actual social issues that could happen (a strike like that would be a big deal) and it’s funny to imagine Mia, as “American Royalty,” being dragged into so much New York and national drama. 5/5 Stars

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • Goodreads Challenge
  • Reread Challenge

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