Tag: NIghtfall

Nightfall by Jake Halpern and Peter Kujawinski | ARC Review

Posted November 23, 2015 in Books, Challenges, Reviews / 7 Comments
Nightfall by Jake Halpern and Peter Kujawinski | ARC Review

Boyfriend Book Reviews is a feature where my book-loving boyfriend, Max, reads and reviews YA that I either haven’t yet read or is outside of my current TBR. If you want a thorough and thoughtful perspective on a guy’s take on YA, keep reading! “They soon reached the flag stone path leading to Deep Well House. They could see the white paper hanging from the front door, but it was only when they were a foot away they could read what had been written. It was a single word scrawled in a childlike script: HIDE.” -114 I wanted to like […]