1) Engagement Party
Any time I’m not working lately my life has been devoted to wedding planning (which is sadly not as always as fun as it sounds and honestly very anxiety inducing). However, we did finally get to see the fruits of the wedding planning labor when our engagement party finally happened last month! While it was a lot of work to coordinate, we had a blast and it was a good reminder that this is supposed to be a joyous season of our life, and not just a stressful one.
2) Marvel Movies
I FINALLY caught up on the Marvel movie universe (at least the movies I have an interest in watching, anyways) and DAMN WHAT WAS THAT INFINITY WAR ENDING? I still have a soft spot for Thor, but Cap is hands down my favorite Avenger, and basically 75% of the Avengers problems could be avoided if Tony wasn’t around. Also, I LOVE BUCKY.
3) Decorating for Halloween
Now that it’s officially fall, we’ve broken out the Halloween decorations and it makes our house feel so much more festive at night! While we don’t really have outside decor, we have quite a bit inside, with my new favorite thing being the ceramic pumpkins I picked up from the dollar section at Target (they were actually $3 each because now it’s like the 1, 3 and 5 spot…) The pumpkins light up inside and change colors!
4) Post It Trick
I first saw this a week or so ago on Madalyn’s insta-stories and I thought it was SUCH a good idea. Basically you portion out sections of a book with post its, with the goal being to read one section per day. You can plan the sections according to how much reading time you anticipate having each day. I’m excited to try it on some fantasy novels (since I can be really slow at reading those) and I’m excited to see how it works!
5) Cookie Dough Balls
Max found these at Whole Foods one day and we have been eating them like crazy. They are SO GOOD and are free of all major 8 allergens. Imagine, a delicious dessert that’s dairy, egg, AND gluten free? Raw cookie dough I don’t have to worry about eating? YES PLEASE. I will say they’re sort of expensive but they’re such a fun treat! They’ve been selling out super fast at our Whole Foods so if you see them and want to try them, don’t hesitate!
Eeek I love everything here!! I used to do the Post It note for textbooks or school-related reading but I’m not sure how I didn’t think of it for personal reading too. I should definitely do this because it feels like I’m constantly playing catch-up with my reading challenge.
Right?! It’s such a simple idea but I think it can really help! I admit I’ve post-it-ed up a bunch of books but haven’t actually started on any of them yet LOL so still need to stop procrastinating and see if the system works for me!
I love the sticky note idea, can you show examples please (:
Yes! I will actually be doing an entire post on it soon 🙂
Yay I can’t wait, thank you!!
Glad to hear the wedding planning is going well!
Funnily enough, I’ve been catching up on my superhero movies also. I watched Thor Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galexy 2, Dr Strange, XMen Apocolypse and Logan – then I hopped over to DC and watched Wonderwoman and Justice League. I had a Now TV pass so I went crazy on movies! 😀
WONDERWOMAN WAS SO GOOD! I’ve been focusing mainly on Marvel and the whole Avengers world, but Wonderwoman was just one of the best super hero movies I’ve ever seen! Also I loved Thor Ragnarok, I was not expecting it to be so funny!
I was prepping myself to do a lot eye rolling but it was brilliant (even if the outfit’s silly).
I laughed through most of Ragnarok, and even though I wasn’t such a fan of the weird sci-fi stuff, I really enjoyed it. 🙂
It’s a shame that the rest of the recent DC movies have gotten such lousy reviews, I feel like they really hit the goldmine with Wonderwoman but their Batman and Superman movies have been really lackluster…I am excited for Aquaman though!
Yay for wedding planning and the engagement party! So exciting. Love that post it trick!! So smart. Totally need to try those cookie dough balls. Have a great weekend!
The cookie dough balls are amazing!! The perfect treat without feeling too guilty 🙂
It’s definitely a good idea to take a step back during the wedding planning process and just breathe and remind yourself what all the work is for – to celebrate your love! I agree, it did get really stressful at times.
Right?? I know the work will be worth it all in the end but right now it is certainly overwhelming!
Omg those cookie dough bites though!! That is pure genius and deliciousness-sounding right there. I’m only partially jealous.??Congrats on your engagement party too!!!
Thank you Cait!! The cookie dough balls have been a life saver since I’m always the person who is too scared to eat ACTUAL cookie dough since I’m scared of getting salmonella poisoning from raw eggs lol
Plan a little each day so it doesn’t pile up in the end, but also remember that there are two of you so make sure you ask for help! And don’t feel bad about asking friends too—I think most are genuinely happy to help out in some way. I’m glad you were able to celebrate your engagement together!
YAY for your interest in Marvel (I’m curious to know which ones you didn’t watch ?) and yup, that ending really did happen. GREAT lead up to part two though? … now I want to do a re-watch, haha.
Thanks Amaris! Now that things are slowing down at work for us due to the holidays we’re back on the wedding planning bandwagon! For Marvel, I skipped the Iron Man movies, Dr. Strange (though I’m hoping to go back to that one) the Hulk, and the Ant Man movies…oh and the Guardian movies (not a huge sci-fi fan). My favorite are definitely the Thor and Captain America mocies!