I originally launched this feature around Valentine’s Day but it was so much fun that I decided to continue on with it every so often to highlight new ships that I’ve developed! While many of my most desperate ships may not sail, they will, as always, live on in MY heart.
Celaena & Chaol from The Throne of Glass Series
So I’ve ONLY read through Crown of Midnight so far BUT Celaena and Chaol made me SO HAPPY. I loved that I got to see some romance so early in the series, and it seemed so authentic and something about Chaol I just really love (especially since Celaena melts his icy defenses and at times rigid personality). I should’ve known Part 1 of Crown of Midnight was too good to be true..because Part 2 was sinking my ship faster than cannonballs being blown into the Black Pearl.
Alison & Willem from The Just One Day Duology
So after Just One Day I was in emotional turmoil, because how could I feel so much for a couple when 75% of the book they were apart? I’m now going through similar torture with Just One Year, but I applaud Gayle Forman for being able to make me care so much about a couple by reading about the time they spend apart…absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Daemon & Katy from The Lux Series
So after the first book in the series I was like NO WAY because Daemon was such a jerk, but I think this is the best hate-to-love romance portrayal I’ve ever read. There such opposite personalities but there’s so much tension and so much balance that it works. And talk about the swoons. Bonus points because Katy is a book blogger and bloggers and handsome paranormal dudes are obviously the right match. (Who else would be prepared to handle the paranormal angst besides a book blogger? Fangirls have been preparing for such an opportunity for years). I am so beyond happy that we’re getting another Lux book!
Alina & The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy
MAYBE THIS IS WRONG but it feels so right. I was pulling for them until the bitter end. Mal? Psssh. Nikolai? Yawn. I WANTED THEM TO COMBINE THEIR POWERS AND TEMPER EACH OTHER AND RULE THE WORLD. (I just love a desirable villain, don’t you?)
Marigold & North from “It’s A Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown”
So Stephanie Perkins is such a talented writer that even her short story couples make my all-time-ship-list. Marigold and North were my favorite people in the entire My True Love Gave To Me Anthology. I NEED to know what happens. I need an NPR listening, flannel shirt wearing character in my life. It could have a red ombré cover to match the Anna books. I want to start a petition to convince Stephanie Perkins to write their full story. My reasons would look something like this…
Are any of these ships on your favorites list? Do you wish there were more to these couples’ stories?
The only similar ships we have are Daemon and Katy (!!!) and Alison and Willem! I haven’t read Just One Year yet. But I’m looking forward to it.
Have you read The Grisha trilogy? Who did you ship Alina with?
I just finished it! I shipped her with Nikolai haha which is like an unpopular ship because so many ship her with the Darkling!
Well it’s better than Mal! He was so annoying D:
Yes! His character made me so mad and I liked him in the first book.
Yeah I was so ANNOYED by him in the second book (I think it was the second book, it’s been a while) when he’s being all angsty as a guard and all mad at Alina for being powerful and blah blah blah
Yes! It was that book! That was my main issue with the second book. He didn’t want her to be so powerful, he wanted her to be boring and normal.
^The constant YA heroine struggle with her childhood love interest
There’s gonna be another Lux book? I better finish the series then 😀
Yep, and it’s gonna be from Daemon’s POV!
I love Celaena and Chaol! I’m really afraid they’re not going to make it!
NOOOOO (although I hear that in Heir of Fire they don’t get much screen time together and some new troll comes in who a lot of people are shipping Celaena with…)
I ship their bromance, but not romantically. I don’t think she’s going to end up with him though!
The only one we have in common is Celaena and Chaol…but that’s only because I still need to read The Grisha Series (embarassing I know) and the Lux Series – I own the first books for both series though – in my defence >.< BUT, getting back to C+C: OMG I NEED THAT SHIP TO SAIL and I am so freaking scared that it won't! I bloody love them together so hard, Gah! I'll never forget how perfect they were in CoM…and I'll never give up hope, no matter what!
I think you will love both the Grisha and the Lux series, and luckily for you, you can binge read them!
Ah, Chaolaena. What’s that phrase? I will go down with this ship!
Chaolaena forever!
It seems to me you are shipping the right ship. Celaena/Chaol all the way! 😀
I hear Heir of Fire is torturous for those of us shipping them though!
CELAENA AND CHAOL! Oh my goodness, I love them so much. From reading Crown of Midnight, the first half just made me so happy to see them, then the second half broke me and has me aching for them. I will go down with that ship, forever!
I was iffy about them in Throne of Glass by SJMass convinced me in Crown of Midnight!
That’s exactly how I felt! 🙂
I want Chaol and Celaena to be together for all of time. ALL OF TIME. That is all. 😀
They are literally FLAWLESS and it HURT MY HEART to read part 2 of crown of midnight!
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