Publisher: Berkley Books

The No-Show by Beth O’Leary | ARC Review

Posted April 10, 2022 in Books, Reviews / 2 Comments
The No-Show by Beth O’Leary | ARC Review

I can never resist a romance novel that combines an interesting synopsis with an adorably illustrated cover, so I knew I had to read The No-Show by Beth O’Leary, even adding it to my Most Anticipated Reads of the First Half of 2022 list. I was thrilled to be approved on NetGalley to read what I thought was going to be an anti-romance, John Tucker Must Die type of story…and let’s just say while the story was compelling, I was way off base in my predictions! The story follows three female protagonists who all have the same love interest but […]

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry | ARC Review

Posted June 21, 2021 in Books, Reviews / 4 Comments
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry | ARC Review

After roughly a year and a half in Covid quarantine, People We Meet on Vacation was such a wonderful, romantic escape. Detailing the reunion of estranged best friends Poppy and Alex, People We Meet on Vacation flawlessly alternates between present and past timelines, showcasing amazing vacations while also building an authentic, riveting, heartbreaking relationship and legitimately exploring the often mocked “millennial ennui.” I read Beach Read last year and thought it was pretty good, but People We Meet on Vacation truly tugged on my heartstrings. Poppy and Alex’s story was lyrical yet bold, and Henry simultaneously works backwards, starting off […]

Adult Mini Reviews: When We Left Cuba and The Friend Zone

Posted September 2, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 2 Comments
Adult Mini Reviews: When We Left Cuba and The Friend Zone

If you hung around my blog last summer/fall, you probably heard me raving about my love for Next Year in Havana, a historical fiction novel that stole my heart with its dual timeline narrative, Latinx protagonists and gorgeous cover. As a first generation Latinx woman myself, I am always always always looking for more representation of my Latinx heritage in literature, and though I’m not Cuban I was deeply invested and moved by the story of the Perez family and their descendants. I was ecstatic to find that there was to be a sequel set in the 1960s following the […]

In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick | Black Dog Bay #5 ARC Review

Posted December 17, 2018 in Books, Reviews / 2 Comments
In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick | Black Dog Bay #5 ARC Review

So in typical fashion, I found out that the Black Dog Bay series which I love dearly had a new installment thanks to Lauren @ Bookmark Lit who is probably responsible for a solid 25% of the books on my TBR shelf at any given moment. I hit that NetGalley request button SO FAST you don’t even know. So over Thanksgiving break I was spending yet another summer in my beloved East Coast seaside town of Black Dog Bay on another truly puppy filled adventure. The newest series installment follows Jocelyn, a local Black Dog Bay resident, who runs a […]