Tag: book tags

The Reader Problems Book Tag

Posted March 26, 2015 in Tags / 14 Comments
The Reader Problems Book Tag

I was tagged by the lovely Holly @ The Nut Free Nerd to participate in The Reader Problems Book Tag! Holly was so sweet to nominate me, and you should head over and check out her wonderful posts! (Plus, her blog is a lovely shade of mint green, a color which I absolutely adore). Onto the tag! (Which I’m sure is going to be full of my #firstworldbookproblems) 1) You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next? I think a lot of us have this problem! I usually prioritize by […]

The Coffee Book Tag

Posted March 5, 2015 in Tags / 10 Comments
The Coffee Book Tag

I was tagged by Jackie over at She Reads A Lot to participate in The Coffee Book Tag! (Ironically enough, I actually don’t drink coffee in real life…I just never got on the bandwagon in high school and since then I’ve been sort of proud of myself that I got through college without using it to keep me awake. Although I am a big fan of hot chocolate and tea, which is what you’ll find me sipping on in my local coffee shops…) Jackie is one of my favorite fellow bloggers so be sure to stop by her blog for […]