Genre: Angels/Demons

Kingdom of the Cursed (Kingdom of the Wicked #2) | Review

Posted January 3, 2022 in Books, Reviews / 0 Comments
Kingdom of the Cursed (Kingdom of the Wicked #2) | Review

Whew, I was NOT expecting to become as addicted to this book as I did, but here we are. What began as a mildly intriguing series that seemed steeped in tropes from early 2000s paranormal romance really blossomed into its own with the sophomore installment, and in my humble opinion is loads better than its predecessor! Picking up after Emilia signs a contract to marry the Devil at the end of the first book, Wrath (one of the seven princes of hell that she had formed a tentative alliance with in the first book) escorts her to hell to start […]

End of Days by Susan Ee | Review

Posted June 10, 2015 in Reviews / 8 Comments
End of Days by Susan Ee | Review

“Power is best held by the ones who don’t want it.”  I’ve been meaning to write this review for weeks, but for some reason have been unable to fully form my thoughts about this book into coherent sentences (a strange occurrence for me, as it’s common for my reviews to easily be 1000+ words). I think the dilemma of being able to form a concrete opinion about this book stems from the fact that I was equal parts satisfied and disappointed by the way that Penryn and Raffe’s story ended, an odd juxtaposition of individual scenes I really enjoyed that […]