Format: Hardcover

Flailing Everywhere Over Trial By Fire by Josephine Angelini- A Raving Review

Posted January 19, 2015 in Books, Five Star Reads, Reviews / 15 Comments
Flailing Everywhere Over Trial By Fire by Josephine Angelini- A Raving Review

  “A crucible’s craving is her mechanic’s mandate.” I usually write very calm, analytical reviews. In fact, I pride myself on it. I like being able to look back on my reviews and have a clear and coherent message as to my thoughts on a book. However, much of that I fear is going to go out the window with this review because I cannot stop flailing over how much I loved this book. It’s only the second book I’ve picked up so far in 2015 but it’s already become my first five star read of the year! Reading this […]

The One by Kiera Cass- Review

Posted January 12, 2015 in Books, Reviews / 16 Comments
The One by Kiera Cass- Review

  “Mistakes mean it’s real.” I have a very conflicted relationship with The Selection Series. I love the concept of mixing society’s obsession with reality tv, especially that focuses on relationships, with a dystopian, futuristic, post World War 4 America. I think the caste division is so interesting. I liked the idea of the ruler of Illéa marrying one of the people as a show of support to the country. Yet at the same time there’s something about these books that prevents me from really losing myself in them, at sometimes grow bored with them toward the middle. I feel […]

10 Lessons in Decorum and Dystopian from The Selection by Kiera Cass

Posted January 5, 2015 in Books, Reviews / 17 Comments
10 Lessons in Decorum and Dystopian from The Selection by Kiera Cass

Having a copy of The One waiting for me on my bookshelf and it having been over two years since I read The Selection, I decided a re-read of the first book in the series was in order. I bring you my unorthodox re-read review of Kiera Cass’ The Selection in list format, detailing the top ten lessons this reality-show-dystopian-hybrid conveys. 1) Pay your debt, lest you be taken over by wealthier countries. This was an aspect of the book I really found interesting, perhaps because the fate of America (now known as Illéa in this series) isn’t too unbelievable… […]

The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu- Review

Posted December 17, 2014 in Books, Reviews / 15 Comments
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu- Review

“There is one thing I’ve learned about people: they don’t get that mean and nasty overnight. It’s not human nature. But if you give people enough time, eventually they’ll do the most heartbreaking stuff in the world.” I have SO much to say about this book, and I’m going to do my best to coherently organize my thoughts. I’ve been waiting a long time to read this novel, specifically because of the subject matter. I think there’s not enough YA books that look at society’s problems with teenage sexaulity, and the stigmas, rumors, and slut shaming that go along with […]

Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Arementrout | Review

Posted October 29, 2014 in Books, Five Star Reads, Reviews / 8 Comments
Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Arementrout | Review

I could do nothing else while I read this book. I carried it with me in the car, to meals, to the gym, read it while waiting at the DMV, neglected getting enough sleep to continue it, and finally finished it less than 24 hours later. It was the epitome of a can’t-put-down-until-you-know-the-ending (semi) psychological thriller. I’ll be honest- this was the first novel I’ve read by Arementrout that wasn’t part of her Lux series, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was a completely different type of YA novel, a stand alone, and a different publisher (her Lux […]

Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson- Review

Posted May 15, 2014 in Books, Reviews / 5 Comments
Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson- Review

I’ve heard so much about Matson over the past few weeks due to her upcoming release of Since You’ve Been Gone, so I was determined to get my hands on one of her books and try out her contemporary style myself! And I was pleasantly surprised, because not only was the book charming, but it’s the best road trip book I’ve ever read. Matson does an incredible job making you really feel like you’re on the road with Amy and Roger, and gives incredible purpose to each stop they make, whether it’s Yosemite or a tiny gas station on highway […]