Publisher: Disney Hyperion

April Book Buddies Review: These Broken Stars

Posted May 1, 2015 in Book Buddies Reviews, Reviews / 3 Comments
April Book Buddies Review: These Broken Stars

Cristina & Lauren Read: Book Buddies is a discussion style review I participate in every other month with my friend Lauren who runs the blog Bookmarklit. We choose a themed book for the month, read it, and the have a discussion where we both discuss themes and aspects that really stood out to us.Book Buddy Reviews are posted during the last week of the month.You can see our review in a Q&A format with half posted here, and half on Lauren’s blog! *This discussion contains some spoilers. 1) The premise of These Broken Stars relies on an often overused romance […]

Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Arementrout | Review

Posted October 29, 2014 in Books, Five Star Reads, Reviews / 8 Comments
Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Arementrout | Review

I could do nothing else while I read this book. I carried it with me in the car, to meals, to the gym, read it while waiting at the DMV, neglected getting enough sleep to continue it, and finally finished it less than 24 hours later. It was the epitome of a can’t-put-down-until-you-know-the-ending (semi) psychological thriller. I’ll be honest- this was the first novel I’ve read by Arementrout that wasn’t part of her Lux series, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was a completely different type of YA novel, a stand alone, and a different publisher (her Lux […]