Genre: Mystery

Dangerous Boys Aren’t Nearly As Dangerous As Girls

Posted August 21, 2017 in Reviews / 10 Comments
Dangerous Boys Aren’t Nearly As Dangerous As Girls

I have to admit, I bought Dangerous Boys several years ago and had been waiting to read it for a time when I really wanted a treat, as I loved Dangerous Girls so much that I thought another thriller by the author would DEFINITELY deliver. And while Dangerous Girls will still hold a place in my heart as one of the greatest YA thrillers of all time, I was just so disappointed by Dangerous Boys. Perhaps it was the lack of the courtroom drama/unsolved crime element to the book, or perhaps I was comparing it too much to the author’s […]

City of Saints & Thieves by Natalie C. Anderson | Mini Review

Posted April 24, 2017 in Reviews / 6 Comments
City of Saints & Thieves by Natalie C. Anderson | Mini Review

2017 seems to be a year rife with diverse titles, and one of my reading challenge goals has been to read more widely and diversely this year. City of Saints and Thieves seemed like a great way to expand my reading horizons as it’s a book featuring diverse characters, set outside of the United States (in Kenya) and deals with many political and humanitarian rights issues. What I also didn’t glean until I started the book and paid attention to the synopsis more closely is that it’s a thriller, with the protagonist on the hunt for revenge for her mother’s […]

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins | Mini Review

Posted December 5, 2016 in Reviews / 5 Comments
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins | Mini Review

The thing about thrillers is that it’s usually best to write a review right after finishing it, because all of the twists, turns, and plot reveals and emotions they evoked as so fresh in your mind. However, with The Girl on the Train, I was so tired of it by the time I finally finished that I wasn’t motivated to jot down my thoughts. My expectations were let down and I had no desire to relive the experience anytime soon. So now, a little over a month later, I’m catching up on reviews and struggling to remember the emotions that […]

Book Buddies Review: Daughter of Deep Silence

Posted October 19, 2016 in Book Buddies Reviews, Reviews / 2 Comments
Book Buddies Review: Daughter of Deep Silence

Cristina & Lauren Read: Book Buddies is a fun, collaborative review feature that I participate in once a season with my friend Lauren who runs the blog Bookmarklit. We choose a themed book for the season, read it, and then answer fun questions that pertain to the book’s themes and each feature the book in our own way! Check out the second part of our feature on Lauren’s blog! Cover Contest! A new trend in YA book recently seems to be the changing of a book’s cover when it is released in paperback. While this has been something that’s happened […]

You Won’t Catch Me Extending My Stay Anytime Soon

Posted November 16, 2015 in Reviews / 4 Comments
You Won’t Catch Me Extending My Stay Anytime Soon

Hotel Ruby was another coveted addition to my collection thanks to ALA this summer in San Francisco. I had heard some buzz about the book prior to the event, and the cover was absolutely stunning. When I found out that Suzanne Young was going to be signing ARCs of either Hotel Ruby or her “The Program” books, I knew I wanted to opt for Hotel Ruby because it has a total Tower of Terror Vibe to it from the synopsis (I am a huge fan of the Tower of Terror ride at the Disney resorts, and I love the haunting […]

Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly | ARC Review

Posted August 10, 2015 in Reviews / 6 Comments
Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly | ARC Review

My Review When I was pitched Trouble is a Friend of Mine at ALA, I was pleasantly surprised to learn in was a YA mystery. I am a HUGE Nancy Drew fan, and when I began the book and it took place in a town called River Heights (that’s Nancy Drew’s iconic neighborhood from the famous series) my expectations were set high. Instead, I found this book to be ridiculous and zany, full of plot holes and irritating characterization. Let’s start with the obvious thing that needs to be addressed: Digby. Digby is supposed to be the enigma of the […]