Author: Julie Murphy

Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy | ARC Review

Posted May 31, 2017 in Reviews / 9 Comments
Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy | ARC Review

Ramona Blue was the first ARC I picked up at YallWest this year, and also the first one I read. It’s cover, unique title, and the fact that I adored Dumplin’ made me eager to dive into another novel by Julie Murphy. I personally have always been attracted to water more than any other element, so I gravitated toward this book where the protagonist hears the siren song of water in so many ways: in her coastal hometown, in the swimming pool where she works away her stress and fears, and even in the destructive storm and flooding that changed […]

Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy | ARC Review

Posted September 9, 2015 in Reviews / 7 Comments
Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy | ARC Review

My Review I guess sometimes the perfection we perceive in others is made up of a whole bunch of tiny imperfections, because some days the damn dress just won’t zip. Dumplin’ is a book that completely took me by surprise this summer. I found out it was being signed at ALA and, despite the fact that YA contemporary isn’t always what I reach for first, found myself drawn to it. The simple cover, the tongue in cheek tagline (Go Big or Go Home)…I had a feeling Dumplin’ was going to be a hot mess or utter YA perfection. I need […]