Author: Dhonielle Clayton

YA Fantasy Mini Reviews | The Everlasting Rose and We Set the Dark on Fire

Posted July 15, 2019 in Books, Reviews / 1 Comment
YA Fantasy Mini Reviews | The Everlasting Rose and We Set the Dark on Fire

It pains me to rate The Everlasting Rose this way. If you’ve been around my blog the past couple of years, you’ve likely heard me shout about my love for The Belles, and my proclamations that it’s one of my favorite fantasy novels at all time. So it’s heartbreaking for me to report that the sequel fell so flat for me, especially as one of my most anticipated 2019 titles. Max pre-ordered it for me as a birthday gift, and right away I was surprised to see that it looked significantly shorter than its predecessor. Picking up after the conclusion […]

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton | ARC Review

Posted February 5, 2018 in Reviews / 10 Comments
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton | ARC Review

Have you ever gone into a book with little to no expectations and then end up being BLOWN AWAY by how much you adore it? That is what exactly happened to me when I picked up The Belles on one of my last days of my Hawaiian vacation. Feeling burnt out from reading about a book a day, my boyfriend suggested I switch up genres to keep from falling into a reading slump. Having read 3 contemporaries already that week, I decided to pick up my ARC of The Belles that had been waiting for me since last summer’s YALLWest, […]

To All The Books I Neglected To Review: 2016 Edition [Part 1]

Posted December 31, 2016 in Reviews / 11 Comments
To All The Books I Neglected To Review: 2016 Edition [Part 1]

Last December I compiled a post at the end of the month with mini reviews for all of the books I had read but never got around to penning my review for. Most of the time I try not to let the stress of missed reviews get to me, however I always seem to be hit with last minute guilt at the end of the year for those missed reviews. So I decided to turn this into an end of year tradition, and have compiled mini reviews for most* of the books I read but did not review upon finishing […]

Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton | In Which I Trust NO ONE

Posted February 22, 2016 in Reviews / 7 Comments
Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton | In Which I Trust NO ONE

“The Sugar Plum Fairy has the farthest to fall.” Tiny Pretty Things had all of the makings of a book that I thought would greatly polarize me into the camp of loving it for its darkness and beauty or abhorring it for its drama and pettiness. While the novel definitely did both, I found Tiny Pretty Things to eventually win me over as a compulsively readable story that featured a form of art so often associated with beauty, delicacy, and primness and contrasted it with its harsh realities of its demands, pressures, and feats of athleticism. Charaipotra and Clayton built […]