October 2020 TBR

Posted October 7, 2020 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Features, TBR / 8 Comments

I’ve made a lot of reading resolutions, and one of them is to be better about cultivating a monthly TBR. I know so many bloggers do beginning of the month TBR posts and I always LOVE reading them, so I’ve decided to post my own as well! I will include my physical, e-book, and ARC TBRs as well as a status update of where I am prior to starting my upcoming month’s TBR.

Reading Progress Prior To This Month: 59/85* Books Read

*RIP, I finally admitted defeat that 100 books was NOT happening this year due to, well, EVERYTHING 2020 has thrust upon us, so I lowered by goal to 85 and am feeling good about it!

I honestly cannot believe we are in the last quarter of this wild, wild year. I always tend to fall back into reading toward the end of the year as I have more time off work and the weather inspires coziness. For October, I’ve put together a loose TBR (emphasis on loose, because I have been SUCH a mood reader this year) that is a mix of spooky reads, a random romance to lighten things up, and a holiday ARC. It’s a bit of an eclectic mix and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up going off TBR this month!


House of Earth & Blood // LOL this has been on and off my TBR all year, I haven’t been in the ideal mood for it yet but would really like to knock it out before the end of the year!


Labyrinth Lost // I love witchy books and feel like I haven’t read nearly enough, so hoping to remedy this by a Latinx focused bruja series!

I Killed Zoe Spanos //  I was inspired to borrow this digitally from my library thanks to Kal’s post about 9 Books You Must Read This Spooky Season (she has so many good recs in that post!) It’s been a while since I’ve read a YA thriller so I’m excited!

The Bone Houses // This was also inspired by Kal’s post, and I can’t believe I hadn’t heard about it before! The cover is stunning and I can honestly say I’ve never read a book about a family of grave diggers…

Kiss My Cupcake // I love a good Helena Hunting romance and this one sort of reminds me of a grown up Tweet Cute from the premise!

For Review

In a Holidaze // I don’t even need to read the descriptions for Christina Lauren books anymore because I know if it’s by them I will love it! Also, YES to a holiday themed book from them!

Toil & Trouble // Ugh I’ve had this ARC for a while and haven’t gotten around to it, I am DETERMINED to read it this spooky season!

Teeth in the Mist // I’m not usually a horror reader but I’ve heard a lot of good things about this one and am intrigued with the parallel timelines element.

What books are you your TBR for October? Let me know in the comments!


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