The Reader Problems Book Tag

Posted March 26, 2015 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Tags / 14 Comments

readerproblemstagI was tagged by the lovely Holly @ The Nut Free Nerd to participate in The Reader Problems Book Tag! Holly was so sweet to nominate me, and you should head over and check out her wonderful posts! (Plus, her blog is a lovely shade of mint green, a color which I absolutely adore).

Onto the tag! (Which I’m sure is going to be full of my #firstworldbookproblems)

1) You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?

I think a lot of us have this problem! I usually prioritize by library due dates, and then by newly released books that I already own so I can get a review posted in a timely manner. After that, I tend to pick whatever I’m in the mood for or do a reread of a book I’ve been craving!

2) You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you quit or commit?

If I’ve made it to the halfway point then I’m probably committed to finishing it, as I try to DNF by the 100 page mark.

3) The end of the year is coming and you’re so close, yet so far away on your Goodreads Reading Challenge. Do you quit or commit?

Commit! I’m one of those people who is really bothered if I don’t make my goal, and at the end of the year I usually have some time off with holiday breaks to increase my reading!

4) The covers of a series you love DO. NOT. MATCH. How do you cope?

If they’re COMPLETE cover re-designs and I old the old ones then I moan and complain and procrastinate on buying the books with the new covers. If it’s hardcover vs paperback and I have a blend it does irk me, but not to the same extent. You can read more about my thoughts on “The Cover Struggle” here!

5) Everyone and their mother loves a book you really don’t like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?

I can usually find SOMEONE in the blogging world who agrees with me (that is the beauty of the Internet). This happens a lot for me whenever I read something by John Green, I’m almost always underwhelmed!

6) You’re reading a book and you’re about to start crying in public. How do you deal?

I rarely cry when reading books but if I WAS in this situation I’d probably escape to my car or somewhere else secluded and read the tear-jerking passage in peace, or stop where I am and wait to finish it when I’m in private.

7) A sequel of a book you loved just came out, but you’ve forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book? Skip the sequel? Try to find the synopsis on Goodreads? Cry in frustration?

If it’s a series I LOVE I will definitely make the time to reread the prior novel! I know a lot of bloggers don’t have time/make time to reread (and I admit I do it less now that I used too) but I still try to reread at least a few books a year, because those favorites are what inspired me to start a blog in the first place!

8) You do not want ANYONE borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people nope when they ask?

I usually won’t volunteer that I own the book, and don’t talk extensively about my book collection in person because THEY ARE MY BABIES. I don’t like lending books out 99% of the time, and thankfully haven’t been asked point plank to loan one out in many years. If I was, I’d probably just be honest and tell people I’m OCD about my books!

9) You’ve picked up and put down five books in the past month. How do you get over your slump?

I’ll ask my fellow bloggers for recommendations! Or I’ll take a step back and reread an old favorite. Or I’ll just power through a book until it starts getting good enough to get my attention. I usually don’t suffer from slumps, I’m more likely to procrastinate on reading when I can’t decide what I want to read next!

10) There are so many new books coming out that you’re dying to read! How many do you actually buy?

I plan out what I’m going to buy pretty carefully now these days. I used to buy books on a whim but I always check out my fellow friends and bloggers reviews first! I would say it’s probably close to a 50/50 split between books I borrow from the library and books I buy!

11) After you’ve bought the new books you can’t wait to get to, how long do they sit on your shelf until you actually read them?

This is an EXCELLENT question, because sometimes they DO pile up. Lately I’ve been picking up books right after I buy them BUT then I feel guilty because I’m neglecting the books I already own and haven’t read! (I don’t think my physical TBR that I own is too bad though, it’s definitely less than 30 books!)

Who I’m Tagging:

(No pressure to participate! But if you do, let me know!)

Stefani @ Caught Read Handed

Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts

Tanya @ Read Run Study

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense

Anjeline @ Love Thy Shelf

Alina @ Radiant Reads

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14 responses to “The Reader Problems Book Tag

  1. Library due dates is a good way to cut down the TBR. Unfortunately I don’t have a large library by me so I mostly rely on mood reading to determine what I ought to read. You’re not alone with John Green books! I was somewhat disappointed with An Abundance of Katherines. A lot of the story felt cliche and repetitive. Haha I feel the same way about lending books, I’m always EXTREMELY hesitant with their handling.

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

  2. I won’t say I make it my mission to chirp a book I end up disliking for all its worth even if everyone enjoys it…but I make it my mission to. Thank goodness for book reviewing/blogging that I can just skim through my feels/comments from a review and just catch myself up with what I felt about it. (Mainly because I read slow enough as it is and don’t have enough time to re-read a book entirely…)

    And thank you kindly for the tag–it will be done sometime from now until infinity.


  3. Thanks for tagging me! I’ll be doing it real soon. I feel the same with John Green. I expected so much from The Fault in Our Stars because of what everyone kept saying about but I didn’t enjoy the writing style. You’re lucky that you rarely cry when reading books. I’m the opposite! I cry too easily haha. Great answers!

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