Month In Review: February 2015

Posted March 1, 2015 by Cristina (Girl in the Pages) in Month In Review / 7 Comments


Books I Read This Month:


Reviews This Month:

The Darkest Part of the Forest (2.5 Stars)

The Book of Ivy (3 Stars)

Princess in Waiting (3 Stars)

Project Princess (4 Stars)

Princess in Pink (5 Stars)

Damsel Distressed (4 Stars)

I Was Here (3 Stars)

Just One Day (4 Stars)


Total Books Read: 9

Total Novellas Read: 3

Rereads: 6

Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge Progress: 18/70

Favorite Book Read in February: Fairest by Marissa Meyer- It was everything a novella should be, and I LOVED getting a villain’s perspective!

Least Favorite Book Read in February: The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black sadly didn’t live up to the hype for me.

Book that Most Surprised Me in February: Just One Day by Gayle Forman. I was expecting a fluffy, contemporary romance, but I found myself getting really emotionally invested!

Notable Posts This Month

I Will Go Down With My Ships: Favorite Fictional Couples

Cristina’s Close Look [2] Boyfriend Knows Best: On Oppressive YA Relationships

Why Bad Reviews Don’t Mean Regrets

Girl in the Pages Anniversary Celebration and Giveaway!

The Versatile Blogger Award

Favorite Quote This Month

“We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day.” – Just One Day by Gayle Forman

Updates About My Life This Month

This month was a very successful reading month! I think it’s mostly due to the fact that I’ve been a bit of a homebody, sequestering myself inside while I study for my grad school entrance exams, which I’m taking in March. (Ahhh!) I reward myself after a long session of studying with reading, and studying has also led to a lot of time in the library (which means me bringing a lot of books home). I was also surprised that I got so much reading done considering it’s been such a busy month, with visiting my friends from college in the beginning of the month, Valentine’s Day weekend celebrations, and my mini-Oscar viewing party! I’m lucky that I get to continue with more adventures throughout the spring with a lot of traveling in March, April, and June.

Speaking of traveling….I’m excited to announce that I’m going to YALLWest and ALA this year! I’ve bought my tickets to both and I’m SO excited to further integrate myself into the bookish community by attending these events where I can meet authors, publishers, and fellow bloggers! Due to these opportunities I’ve expanded my social media presence and joined Instagram this month (come follow me!) Are you attending either of these events?

March is going to be a REALLY busy month for me. Every weekend I have something major going on, from weddings to road trips to my boyfriend’s birthday and the GRE! I’m still going to be blogging and scheduling posts as much as I can though!



7 responses to “Month In Review: February 2015

  1. You did have an amazing reading month! Good luck on your exam! I am sure you will rock it. That is awesome that you are going to YALLWEST and ALA. You are going to have so much fun. I just went to ALA midwinter and that was my first book conference type bit event and I loved it. 🙂

  2. Good luck on your exams! You’ll ace them 😀

    You had such a productive reading month! I’ve yet to read Fairest and am so excited to read it – all the reviews have been pretty awesome so far! Happy reading!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    • Fairest is literally FLAWLESS, it’s probably my favorite things I’ve read all year so far! And thanks for the good luck wishes, I just can’t wait until the exams are over with!

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