Sunday Funday is a weekly(ish) post I’ve started to recap the bookish (and sometimes not-so-bookish) happenings in my life the past week! Feel free to participate, just link back!
October 6-12, 2014
The past two weeks have been a blur of busy weekends! Last weekend I attended the first wedding I’ve been to since I was a small child, and it was really fun! It was my boyfriend’s cousin getting married, and the cake was amazing (and we all know that’s the important part, amirite?) I mean, it was red velvet, which is my absolute favorite type of cake. And there was so much of it, it kept being passed into my hands. I was basically Agnes.
This weekend was my brother’s birthday, so my family and I made the three hour trek to his university to celebrate with him. We gave him some really awesome wireless speaker (he’s a bit of a music junkie) and they it was so clear and loud I’m jealously fantasizing about what it would be like to listen to audio books from it (it’s the Mini-Jambox by Jawbone, if you were curious).
This week I’ve also been able to get out of the small reading funk I’ve been in lately, which was mainly due to me being under the weather for a little while and thus not reading as much as usual, and then seeing quite a few book-to-movie adaptations that I spent time reviewing. I’m back on track and have already completed two books this week, and am working on my third. I also just started the fifth season of Parenthood on Netflix and am going to start watching Reign with my boyfriend this weekend (I am SO excited, the show looks so GOOD in that CW type of way).
Currently Reading:
If you saw my Stacking the Shelves post this week you know I picked up some great titles at the library, and my hold of Landline finally came in! I was a little nervous to start it because it has some really “meh” reviews on Goodreads, but I really, really like it so far. It’s a really interesting depiction of marriage and all the little life choices that go along with it, and it’s a nice alternate perspective on marriage-based fiction after reading Gone Girl, which made marriage seem pretty terrifying.
Just Finished:
The Arkwell Academy series is one I just happened to stumble upon at my local library (I had literally heard nothing about it before, so I got to read it with a blank slate). I just finished the second book, and it’s a really fun series worth checking out if you’re into the fantasy-magical-boarding-school thing!
What Happened Here This Week:
Tuesday: I reviewed my long-anticipated read, Anna and the French Kiss.
Wednesday: I lament on my DNFs of 2014 so far.
Friday: I rave about how well the Gone Girl film adaptation turned out!
Saturday: Stacking the Shelves with a good library haul.
How was your week? Let me know in the comments!
Haha. That’s how I am with red velvet cake too. Give me all the cake!
Congrats on getting out of the reading funk! Sounds like a couple of busy, yet fun, weekends.