Sunday Funday is a weekly(ish) post I’ve started to recap the bookish (and sometimes not-so-bookish) happenings in my life the past week! Feel free to participate, just link back!
August 11 -August 17, 2014
So I mentioned last week that I was going on an end of the summer vacation this week, which is why things were pretty quiet around here earlier this week. I’m back from a really fun trip to Disneyland with my boyfriend! We’re both huge Disney fans so whenever we can venture to a Disney location we do! (Fun Fact: Splash Mountain is my favorite ride). Also, we take full advantage of all of the wonderful treats the parks have to offer, indulging in Mickey Mouse Red Velvet cake pops, Gibson Girl waffle ice cream cones, and s’mores squares (seriously amazing). I usually don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but Disneyland is an exception!
We also like to spend quite a bit of time character-hunting (aka finding as many “rare” characters as we can and grabbing pictures with them…it’s harder than you’d think!) And I was beyond thrilled to catch some rare characters from Cinderella! We also both watched Fantasmic together for the first time and thought it was amazing! (Though we both agreed we like World of Color a bit better).
We also spent a day in Newport Beach (one of my favorite places!) and tried the restaurant Lemonade for the first time after hearing a lot of people rave about it. And it was AMAZING. There were so many options, everything was healthy yet still delicious, and you could tell so much thought and care was put into offering non-processed, quality ingredients in the dishes. Between the two of us we sampled quite a bit of the options, and the Blood Orange Lemonade is literally the best beverage I’ve ever had (and I’m not even usually a fan of citrus!)
As you can see, the pile has grown since last week with more library finds! (I’m getting stressed over having six books checked out at once! It makes me feel like I’m neglecting the books that I already own but haven’t yet read.) Thankfully, I’m participating in the Bout of Books Read-a-thon this upcoming week, which should help me to knock out many of these novels! I’ll be updating my progress for the read-a-thon throughout the week and I urge you to participate, as it’s super low key and allows you to set goals at your own pace!
-I reviewed Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
– Stacking the Shelves with my library finds!
-I announced my participation and goals in Bout of Books 11!
*Next week I’m going to be unveiling a new feature on my blog that’s a bit theory based and a lot YA discussion based, and I’m really excited for it so stay tuned for that!
Bookish Posts I Enjoyed This Week:
-The Notebook Sisters posted part 3 of their popular Honest YA Covers feature
-Brittany at The Book Addict’s Guide compared and discussed the best YA novellas.
ALSO, Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas came out this week! I haven’t purchased it yet but I’m so excited to read it!
I’m glad you had a nice vacation. I’ve never been to Disney Land before, so I enjoyed hearing about it. I know what you mean, I stress when I barrow too many books too. Paper Valentines looks interesting. I hope you like it.
Ooh Disney! How fun. Such an awesome place. And good luck with Bout of Books!
Thank you! Disney is right up there with books and blogging for me in terms of hobbies, haha!